Page 65 of The Fox


“Amelia.” He smooths my furrow with the tip of his thumb. “You will not lose your seat to the willy-nilly whim of a weak man. Not on my watch.”

My lips uptick at his description of Medina. Rhodes isn’t wrong, but I don’t like the idea of him being so close to the danger when I’ve only just begun loving him. I cannot lose him. It would destroy me. My phone rings, interrupting our peace. “It’s probably Duncan.” I whisper, hating the way our bit of joy has now been soured.

Rhodes gives me a gentle shove, his face playful. “Go rule the Underworld. I’ll be right here.”


Amelia---War Drums

I stare at the paper target I have taped to the wall across from my desk. Quirking my lip, I open the second drawer in my desk, finding my collection of throwing blades nestled there. My fingers itch to hold the steel. I crave the way they feel as they leave my hand, the singing of the blade in the air as it reaches its target. I run a finger along the cool weapon, deciding to give into the craving. It’s been a rough time at my last few therapy appointments, our sessions becoming more challenging as we reach the end of them. Rhodes keeps telling me that my frustration is normal, and I know he’s right, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.

I just want my blades back.

I pick one of the slim knives up, admiring it and gathering the courage to aim for the bullseye taunting me. I weigh the blade in my palm, its balance perfect. One little flick won’t break me, right?

I take a deep breath, center my shoulders, and lock onto the center dot on the target. I wanted it to be Medina’s face, but I restrained myself. I have a reputation to uphold, after all. I take the knife in hand, the feeling bringing a smile to my lips. I lick the plump flesh, pulling the bottom one into my mouth as I close my eyes. I have to trust myself, to trust my body knows where the blade needs to land. The steel leaves my hand with a flick of my wrist.


I dip my head, a large smile breaking across my face. I peek through my lashes to find the knife not only reached the target, but it landed dead center. I snap a picture, sending it to Rhodes, before returning to the list of things that need tending to while I’m here.

I finalize a couple purchase orders for weapons to be distributed across territories, noting that I’ve been shorted a crate by Sidorov. I’ll reach out to him but I’m sure it is nothing since Duncan signed off on the delivery. I’m nearly done with administrative tasks when the phone on my desk rings. I text Duncan, asking if he’s here at the office, before picking up the phone.

“Conte.” I answer, hardening my voice as a suave voice comes across the line, and my hair stands on end.

“Hello, Amelia.” I look down at my desk, thoughts whirling through my head. “I see you’re still very much around.”

“I aim to cause you displeasure, Alonzo.” I want to say more, but I am walking a delicate line; one wrong move and I cause war to erupt among the Families. There is a knock at my door and it cracks open, Duncan slipping through. I hold one finger up, and then move it to my lips to tell him he needs to be silent. “What can I do for you?”

I softly push the button that will put this call on the speaker, leaning back into my chair. Duncan sits in a chair in front of my desk and I glance up at him. There is a question in his eyes, and I nod. I know he wants to ensure that we are good, that I don’t harbor any ill will toward him for his actions. As well as I can hold a grudge, holding one over Duncan’s head is pointless.

“I want to come to an agreement,” Medina’s voice bounds into the room, coating the air with its intent. “We both know that I could end you if I wanted to.”

Laughter bubbles up through my body and I shake my head. “You tried. You failed. Pity. The way I see it, you no longer have a say in this conversation.” I roll my ankle and examine my nails.

“I will have the last word, Amelia Conte.” The way he says this tickles my brain, my head tilting to the side as I consider his words. I wait, keeping my eyes on Duncan. I don’t know what Medina’s play is, but I do know that I do not trust him.

A moment passes before he speaks again.

“Your friend Parker makes a delicious cup of coffee.”

“Leave Parker’s name out of your mouth.” Duncan stands as he yells from his spot. “You leave her alone.”

“Perhaps I’ll pay that man you clung to during our last meeting a visit, Amelia. You two look very happy together. If I can’t kill you, I’ll just take everyone you love.” Medina taunts, his attempt to bait me into action a daring one.

I close my eyes as I try to remain calm. I’ve kept the vault of my emotions shut since I was thirteen—today will be no different. He is smart, I’ll give him that. Going after my people is the last move he has left; Medina is trying to corner me into giving him a jerk reaction. He will not receive one. No one gets to threaten my family and live, however.

“What are we? Five?” I shoot a glare at Duncan, an unspoken command to stand down. “We both know I am the one you want.”

“Ah, is The Fox going to finally leave her den?” I can hear the sneer in his voice, the way the question is laced with condescending undertones. I consider my options. I can stay hidden and let Medina hang himself on his own. That would be easier. The second option requires me to meet him face-to-face, something no one in my life would agree to. “What? You aren’t afraid, are you,bambina?”

I can feel Duncan’s eyes burning into the side of my head. I know he wants me to choose the easy option. The safest option. The reality is that if I don’t handle this bullshit with Medina, the castle crumbles and I’m a sitting duck anyway. Tapping my fingers on the desk, I weigh the consequences of what I am about to say. I already see the phone in Duncan’s hand as I make my decision.

“The two of us, no one else.” At my words, Duncan stands, phone already to his ear, and storms out. I would put money on him calling Parker to ensure she is safe.

Medina gives me a time and place before hanging up. I slump in my chair. Heavy is the crown, and I now have the weight of the world on my shoulders.