“Ames,” I whisper. My best friend is the strongest person I know, and they broke her. They fucking broke her.
“I know Parks. I know what I should do, but I just don’t want to. I just want to wash them off and go to sleep.”
A few minutes later, we move to the bathroom as Duncan heats up some food.
I know she just wants to sleep, but getting her clean is more important. I will honor her request of not doing a rape kit, but I refuse to let these monsters linger upon her skin. I start the shower, watching the way she clutches the blanket in an effort to hide the aftermath of what happened from me. I see the pain in her eyes, and I’m sure her entire body is one fireball of hurt.
Her eyes remain on the floor, unspoken words lingering in the air, the hurt permeating every corner. Amelia clutches the soft fabric closer to her tarnished skin, desperate for some sort of barrier to keep herself from falling into anger, into brokenness.
Running my hand over my face, I slump against the hallway wall, sliding down until I am sitting on the carpeted spot. I have never seen my best friend shattered the way she was that night. The Mafia takes everything from you and does not apologize. It is a cancer, seeping into the fabric of souls until it consumes all its tendrils touch.
Rhodes is a good man. I wanted to tell him everything last night when he called asking about Amelia. Gods, I wish I could have told him, but that would have meant betraying Ames.
I would die before that happened.
“Are you sure?”
I look at Parker, concern lining her eyes, and I know she isn’t completely sold on me meeting the other Dons.
“I don’t have a choice, Parks. They demanded to see me in person, and my hands were tied.” I push the dough into the countertop, kneading it in smooth, practiced motions. It is Saturday, and I am baking while Parker hangs out. She’d closed the coffee shop early to come over. Rhodes is somewhere, and I fully expect him to saunter in at the most inconvenient time.
She takes a bite of the morning buns I’d just pulled from the oven, groaning appreciatively. Parker looks tired but in a way that makes me think her soul is exhausted.
“You can say no, Ames. You hold just as much power as the old coots.” She takes another bite, wiping the cinnamon sugar from her lips with a thumb and sucking it into her mouth. “I don’t understand why you don’t wield it.”
Cupping the sourdough dough into itself, I flip it and place the loaf into a banneton to proof. As much as I want to tell the other heads of the Families to fuck off, I cannot. Decorum holds and tradition demands; there are things I cannot push back on, despite wanting to.
“Because I can’t. Denaro told Duncan that it’ll be quick. That they just want proof of life and to ensure that I am still capable of leading.”
“Right, because their opinion is what dictates competency.” Parker’s green eyes roll as she scoffs, “Okay.”
I shake my head and move to wash my hands at the sink. I hear Rhodes’ bare feet against the floor and his arms snake around me. He still makes sure to leave enough of a gap so I can spin around and not feel trapped, but his hold is starting to feel like home.
“You smell good,kochanie,” he whispers, his breath hot against my ear.
“It’s the baking,” I say with a small smile. His nose rubs behind my ear, that sensitive spot coming alive.
“No,” Rhodes says, giving me a nip and then running his lips over the spot. “It isn’t.”
His body leaves mine, and I hear him greet Parker. I calm my racing heart, taking a few moments to steady my breathing, praying my face isn’t too flushed as I face the two people I would defend with my last breath. They’re sitting side by side, and Parker has a knowing smirk on her lips. I shoot her a glare and start making my second cup of coffee.
My back is turned when I hear Rhodes ask Parker what we were talking about.
“Yeah, and I feel like she’s going to go to this meeting alone.” Parker isn’t wrong. I was planning on attending it without Duncan. I’m still seething at him, and I would rather take my chances than have to deal with his whimpering apologies.
“Oh, she won’t be alone.” I spin at the sound of his voice. Rhodes is ready, his eyes full of challenge and that defined jaw is firm in his statement. “Problem,kochanie?”
I stomp to the island, slamming my mug down and not caring as the coffee splashes over the edge. “You don’t get to make that call.” Theaudacity.
He leans forward, bringing his forearms to rest on the top of the island, lacing those fingers together, and lowering his voice.
“I will make that call. You don’t walk alone anymore, remember?” His blue eyes spark with dominance, and I swallow roughly. “I know you have been doing this by yourself, but Amelia, you will not be at that meeting without backup.”
I scoff, both disbelief and desire pillaging my mind. I steal a glance at Parker, but her face reflects what Rhodes is saying. Of course, they’re double teaming me. “I am not weak, Rhodes. I can do this.” The face I’ve come to love softens, and I feel stripped to my core.