I look down at Milo and nod. “He’s a good boy and the cutest dog ever,” I reply, continuing to shower him with affection.
Angel’s expression softens as she glances at me. “Mum told me about the car accident. I’m really sorry.”
I shrug. “It is what it is,” I say, offering a faint smile.
Her eyes widen in surprise. “I’m amazed you’re handling it so well. I don’t think I would if I were in your shoes.”
I shrug again. “It wasn’t that bad. We lost the car, but that’s the extent of it.”
Angel starts to say something more, but Ethan suddenly appears, nudging Angel with a mischievous grin.
Angel’s face twists in distaste as she rolls her eyes. “Oh, it’s you,” she huffs.
Ethan winks at her. “Angel.”
She recoils. “You’re a piece of shit, Ethan.”
Ethan and Angel had a brief fling last year after a night out, but Ethan’s insensitive comments about her being just another experiment had left a deep rift. Despite Ethan’s close friendshipwith me, his behaviour towards women often makes me cringe. His attitude is one reason he hasn’t maintained a serious relationship in years.
“Come on, Angel. When are you going to forgive me?” Ethan asks.
Angel’s reply is sharp. “When you’re buried six feet under.”
Both Ethan and Angel turn to me, their eyes wide with surprise. “What?” I ask, puzzled.
Angel’s face flushes with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry,” she stammers. “I didn’t mean it. I just…lost control. I didn’t think it through.”
I place a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Angel. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
She glances at Ethan, seemingly taken aback by my response. I smile reassuringly and give Milo one last pat. “I should get going. I’ve got a big tattoo design to work on,” I say, catching both their attention. “Make sure Milo gets some treats from me.”
Angel’s face brightens. “Absolutely! He’ll be spoiled.”
“I’ll come with you,” Ethan says. He turns to Angel. “I’ll text you later and explain. And hopefully, I’ll get to see your bendy self again soon.”
Without hesitation, Angel smacks Ethan, grabs Milo’s leash, and marches off in the opposite direction.
Ethan rubs his cheek and watches her go. “That arse though.”
I shake my head, a small smile on my lips. “You’re a dick.”
Ethan grins. “I like it when a woman hits me like that, but only during sex. Pain is pleasure.” He winks.
“You don’t help yourself,” I reply.
He taps me on the back. “Come on, let’s head to the studio. I forgot my keys at Stacey’s.”
“For fuck’s sake,” I mutter, as we walk down the street.
Ethan is in high spirits, despite the weather. He’s whistling a tune, clearly unfazed by the approaching storm. I can’t help but shake my head at his carefree attitude.
“Seriously, Ethan, you’re going to forget your keys more often if you keep this up,” I say, trying to keep my voice light despite my mood.
He chuckles. “Hey, I’m just human. And besides, it’s always an adventure with me. Keeps life interesting.”
I snort. “Interesting is one word for it. I’d use another, but I’m feeling charitable today.”
He grins. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”