I pointed a finger knowingly at him and said, “No, never mind that.Byron and I didn’t make out as great as you, did we?That was her we saw, wasn’t it?”
“There are about a dozen brunettes I could have invited back here after the match,” Elliot said, his satisfied smile telling everything that his words weren’t.
“And only one that you gave a free pass,” said Byron.“That little college girl, that…what was her name?Jeanette?”
“Jenna,” Elliot said.
Byron shook his own finger at him.“Jenna!You had Jenna over last night.”
Bluntly, I said, “You were over her last night.”
Now Elliot laughed out loud at the way I got right to the point.
“Hah!” I crowed.“I knew it!You spent last night fucking Jenna!”
At the end of his laugh, Elliot replied, “No.I spent last night and the first part of this morning fucking Jenna.”
“Damn,” I said, shaking my head.“A girl in college, and you spent the night humping her.”
“And we had the best time,” said Elliot.
“Of course you did,” said Byron.“Don’t tell me:It was the first time she’s been fucked by an older guy.”
Elliot said nothing to that at first.He only took on this strange smile that we couldn’t read.He breathed in deeply and looked off and out at something only he could see.That made us even more curious.
“What?” Byron asked.“She’s what, nineteen?Was it her first time with an older guy?
Focusing his attention back on us again, Elliot replied, “It was her first time with anyone.”
Of all the things he could have said, that was one thing we were not expecting to hear.Byron and I traded a quietly startledlook.My mouth fell open with no words and he blinked before I spoke up again.
“No…!” I said.“You’re kidding me.She wasn’t…?No…!”
“Yep,” said Elliot, nodding.
“A virgin?” Byron said, wide-eyed.
“That’s right,” Elliot replied.“Popped the cherry for her right here.”He slapped the back of the couch where he sat.“Afterwards I took her to bed…and it just got better from there.”
“Shit,” I said, shaking my head, impressed.
“Listen,” Elliot went on.“This wasn’t just a lay with some groupie, all right?I know how I made it sound just now, but this…this was different.She told me she’d never been laid, and…it was just different, that’s all.”He rubbed the towel in his hair and put it down on his lap.“There was something about the way we connected, and I don’t mean just the sex.There’s something about Jenna, something different; I can’t describe it.I…I don’t know, there’s something else that I sensed about her.I had this feeling about her even when we were at the museum for your speech, Byron.It made me want to know more about her.That’s why I asked her to the match and then invited her back here.Well, that and the sex.”
“So what did you find out?” Byron asked.“Besides the virgin thing.”
Elliot frowned a little.“Not much.She’s a first-year student at Pendrake Tech.She’s from out of town; from Wyvern Village, she says.She’s got no family around here; just an uncle who travels.She doesn’t see him a lot.And she’s majoring in Applied Science and Engineering.”
“Uh-huh,” I said.“Brainy girl, that figures, from the way she was at the museum.The quiet, intellectual, retiring type.”
“She wasn’t that ‘retiring’ last night,” Elliot said, looking off into space with a grin of remembered sex–very hot remembered sex, from his expression.“I’m telling you, I wouldhave never known she was a virgin.Not this girl.Damn…”He trailed off, and I was quietly impressed, and so was Byron, at how satisfied our buddy was with his little science student.
“Well, you know what they say about quiet, intellectual types,” Byron said, rubbing his chin.“They can surprise you.They might have more going on than you’d expect.A quiet human, or so they say, probably has more ‘dragon’ inside them than you’d usually know.”
“Huh,” I said.“Well, I know Jenna sure had plenty of ‘dragon’ inside her last night, eh, Elliot?”
Byron winced at me, rolled his eyes, and shook his head.Elliot smirked in reaction, but glancing at his lap, I saw a bit of a telltale “tent” in the towel as it lay there.“Classy as always, Cade.Very classy.”
I shrugged.“Look, I’m just saying.The way we saw her leaving here, Jenna was practically flying without wings.”