“How’s that fair?” Gem demanded.
“Because the rest of us only have two hands?” Willow said.
“Then no tails.” Gem pointed at Glyma, Quin, and Rusty.
“And no stretching your roots,” Glyma said to Willow, who glanced down at her rooted stumps and nodded.
“Fine, I’ll keep my roots short.”
“Only two feet and two hands are legal,” Jude said.
“I’m going to win,” Liel predicted confidently. “I’m extremely flexible.”
Oliver nodded appreciatively. “He really is.”
“Gross,” Rusty said.
“Get into position,” Zef said, and everyone gathered around the large mat.
After removing his socks—“The mat is slippery!”—Gem wrapped his upper and lower arms around his torso, then waved his middle hands and bounced on his toe beans, tarsal claws clicking against the plastic. “I feel like my height is gonna be a real advantage here.”
“Flexibility matters more than height,” Liel sniffed haughtily.
“Let’s just play a clean game,” Quin said.
“I’m too short, so I have to cheat. It’s just logic,” Tad said.
“If Tad gets to cheat, I get to use all my hands,” Gem said.
“No cheating,” Oliver said sternly. “Two hands, Gem.”
“Fine!” Gem pouted.
“Left hand green,” Zef said, and the game began.
The first ten minutes was a calm, chill game. After that, things went downhill. Fast.
“Your ass is in my fucking face,” Toni cried as he balanced in a bridge position, doing his best to keep his spinal fin from touching the ground.
“My ass is in everyone’s face,” Gem snapped back. “It’s just that big. Get over it.”
“I think I’m allergic to Rusty’s dander,” Jude said a moment before he sneezed.
“Fucking rude!” Rusty growled, tucking his tail between his legs to keep it from hitting Jude in the face.
“That’s red, Rusty,” Willow said serenely, and Rusty growled as he shifted his hand from red to green. “Excellent job!”
“I love this game,” Glyma said as she arched over Quin who was trapped in a plank.
“Zef, please spin the arrow!” Quin gritted out.
“Tad’s knee touched!” Liel shouted. “She’s out, right?”
“It did not,” Tad said. “Get your eyes checked, bitch.”
“There’s no need for name calling, Tad,” Oliver chided.
“Right hand yellow,” Zef said.