I turn my back to him, hiding my smile as I make my way over to the bed. I hear the door close as he leaves, and I want to poke around, explore the room, and see what I can learn about my boss, but my eyes are already starting to droop.
In the morning,I promise myself.
I climb up onto the bed, unbuckling my shoes and letting them drop to the floor. I wrap the blanket tighter around me as Ilay back against the pillows. They smell like Hugh, and I smile as my eyes drift shut.
My mind tries to race with thoughts about what will happen in the morning. What happens now between Hugh and me? Am I going to have to quit my job? I guess I can since he paid ten million for me, though it feels like I should pay him back the extra since he saved me from being bought by someone else, someone scarier.
I’ll figure it out in the morning,I promise myself, taking slow, even breaths.
A minute later, I’m fast asleep.
I barely slept all night.How could I with my girl sleeping right next door? I couldn’t get what happened between us out of my head. My fingers still smelled like her, and I spent most of the night replaying everything that happened between us over and over again.
The way she spread her legs for me. How wet she was. The little moan she made when my finger first started to sink into her. How perfect she looked spread out before me.
She was so tight, so wet, and hot. I had to fight not to come, and I pulled out once I reached her barrier because I was losing that fight. I didn’t want to embarrass myself, so I had practically run from the room. I paid, trying to get myself under control, but I’m not sure that I did that.
I’m on edge. I finally have my dream girl in my home, but this is not the way that I wanted it to go. In all of my dreams of being with Letty, none of them ever started with my buying her.
I need to get it together. I need to find a way to show her that I want more from her than just being my assistant. I need to show her that I want her for more than one night.
I want to be able to do stuff with her and not feel like she’s doing it because of the money. I want things to be equal between us, or as equal as they can be, with me being her boss.
I want to be able to demand that she tell me why she needed the money. It’s driving me crazy. Why was she there? Why would she sell her virginity? Why wouldn’t she just ask me for the money? I would have given it to her, no strings attached. I would do anything for Letty.
She’s had me wrapped around her finger since the moment that I laid eyes on her. She came in to interview for my assistant position, and I fell for her right then and there. I hired her on the spot and then went to work delegating all of my tasks to other employees so that I could spend all of my time with her. If the workload seemed light, she never seemed to notice, or she hasn’t said anything anyway.
We spend most of our time together, but I’m starting to realize that I might not know as much about Letty as I would like to. I need to fix that as soon as possible.
I climb out of bed and head into the bathroom to get ready for today. I feel like I’m on uneven ground, like I don’t know how to proceed with Letty. We need to talk. I need to find out what’s going on with her, and then maybe I can tell her that I love her, and we can go from there.
I shower and get dressed. I pause outside of the guest room next door, listening for any sounds of Letty being awake, but it’s quiet behind the door. I’m surprised because it’s actually pretty late in the day. Almost eleven.
I guess she needed her sleep. It was a bit of a late night.
I sigh as I head downstairs and start on breakfast. I’m getting the plates out when I hear the sound of Letty’s feet on the stairs.
“Smells good,” she says sleepily, and I nod.
“Hope you’re hungry.”
“Starving. I didn’t eat much yesterday.”
I add more eggs to her plate and then set it in front of her before I grab my own plate and join her at the table.
Letty digs in, and I follow suit. We eat in silence for a few minutes, and then I clear my throat. I can’t wait any longer. The suspense is killing me. I was never really a patient man, and that hasn’t changed as I’ve gotten older.
“We need to talk,” I blurt out, and she blinks, her fork hovering halfway between her mouth and plate.
“About what?” She asks slowly, warily.
“Why were you at the auction?” I ask.
“Why wereyouat the auction?” She counters.