I grit my teeth at the reminder. The truth is that I didn’t even bother to read the rules. I just knew that I needed to win Letty, and there wasn’t anything that I wouldn’t agree to in order to do that.
I glare at the attendant and nod.
“We’ll give you a few minutes,” he says as he backs out of the room.
I glance at Letty and see her cheeks are stained with a deep red blush. I want to tell her that we don’t have to do this, any of this. We can lie and say I checked and walk out the door.
Before I can get any of that out, though, she turns to face me, sets her phone and small purse down on the nightstand, and lets the blanket drop.
“Where do you want me?” She asks.
A million different answers are on the tip of my tongue, but I bite my tongue. I swallow hard and debate what to do now. I have my dream girl, she’s mine, but all of this is my worst nightmare.
I need to figure out a way to get us out of this situation, but first, we need to get out of this room.
What the heckis Hugh even doing here? Does he buy a lot of women? Is that why he’s never talked about going out with anyone? Why I’ve never seen him on a date around town? He just… he doesn’t seem like the type.
“Do you come here a lot?” I blurt out, and he frowns.
“No, of course not.”
I want to ask him what he was doing here tonight then, but I swallow down the question and step towards the bed.
The truth is that I’ve had a crush on my boss since I started working for him. Hugh is handsome in a rugged, badass kind of way. He’s close to six and a half feet tall and towers over me. He’s just as wide, too, and is one of the only men that I’ve met who can make me feel small and delicate when I’m standing next to him.
The blanket is pooled around my feet, and I kick it aside as I reach for the straps of my dress.
“Stop! Just…wait, you don’t have to do that,” Hugh says, clearing his throat as his eyes dart from the bed, back to me.
“You don’t want to verify your purchase?” I ask him, and he growls.
“Stop. I hated listening to him talk about you that way, don’t you start now, too.”
“What way?” I ask curiously.
“Like you’re just a thing. Like you’re property.”
“Well, right now, I guess I kind of am,” I point out.
Hugh’s eyes flash with anger, and I back up a step, holding my hands out in a placating gesture. My butt bumps up against the bed, and I glance back at it, taking in the thick comforter. It looks comfy.
I sit down on the edge of the bed, and Hugh swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he watches me warily. His hands fist at his sides, and I wonder what’s going through his head right now.
What’s going throughmyhead right now?I think as I study him.
My mind is racing. On the one hand, I don’t want to make things awkward between us, but on the other hand, I’ve wanted Hugh since I started working for him, and this could be my chance to have him.
The question is, which thing do I want more?
As I stare at Hugh, I know that I have my answer. If I can only have him for one night, then I’m going to take that. I think that I’ll always take what I can get with him.
“You should know what you just paid a lot of money for,” I tell him, my voice coming out low and husky.