“So creative,” she says sweetly, and I laugh harder.
“Only about this. Only with you.”
I kiss the top of her head, and her arm tightens around my waist. She’s so warm, and I smile as I let my eyes drift shut. I have everything that I need right here in my arms, and I fall back asleep satisfied.
I wake up a few hours later alone, and I frown as I crawl out of bed, throw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, and go in search of my girl. I grab my phone and see the text confirming that the loan shark has been paid off and promised to stay the hell away from my girl and I smile. I can’t wait to tell Letty the news. I just need to find her first.
The house is quiet, so I poke my head into each room as I walk past. There’s no sign of her upstairs, so I head downstairs and towards the kitchen.
“Letty?” I call out, but there’s no response.
I start to panic.
Did she leave? Where would she have gone? Why didn’t she wake me up? Was there a note upstairs that I missed?
I look outside and see that it’s snowing hard. My panic increases a few notches and I bolt for the front door, ripping it open and letting out a giant sigh of relief when I see her old car is still parked out front. It’s half covered in snow, and I don’t see any footprints in the snow that would lead me to believe that she was out there.
I close the front door and go back to search the rest of the house. I jog back down towards my office and the library and come up short when I spot my girl curled up on the leather couch in the library. She has a book in her hands and a stack of five others piled next to her on the coffee table, and I pause as I take her in.
She looks gorgeous with the sun shining in through the window behind her, the snow making the whole scene cozier. She looks so comfortable and at home here, and I know that Iwant to ask her to move in with me. It’s more than that, though. I want to ask her to be mine.
For real.
With my mind made up, I grin as I make my way quietly over to her.
“I was wondering where you had snuck off to,” I say as I wrap my arms around her from behind.
She yelps, dropping the book, and I nuzzle my nose against her neck, hiding my smile.
“You scared me,” she scolds me as she leans into my embrace.
“I missed you. I was looking for you.”
“I figured that you needed your sleep,” she says coyly, giving me a naughty look over her shoulder.
“I did, but then I woke up, and I just needed you.”
She twists, kissing me, and I slip over the back of the couch and land on the cushions next to her.
“What did you want to do now? Are you hungry?” She asks me as I wrap my arm around her shoulders.
“Not really. I can make something if you are, though.”
“I had a snack not too long ago, so I’m not hungry. For food, that is,” she says suggestively, and my cock hardens in my sweatpants.
She doesn’t miss the way that the material tents, and I grab her hand, distracting her by pressing a quick kiss to her plump lips. I want her, I always want her, but there’s something that I need to do first.
I need to ask her to be mine.
“What didyou want to talk about?” I ask, watching Hugh as he leads me out of the library and down the hall. His hand is warm around mine, and the way his thumb absently strokes my knuckles sends shivers down my spine.