“Adella,” he groans my name, grabbing onto my shoulders. “It’s… important…” he struggles to get the words out as I continue my teasing effort.

It’s an effort of will, but I let go of his cock and let him have control of his senses. For now.

“TheParitella,” he says, stroking my hair as he stares into my eyes. “It requires more than consumation. There is another part, I don’t want to do this unless you know and you not only agree, but you are sure.”

“What is it?” I ask.

“I must mark you.”

“Mark me?”

“Yes, with my fangs, our blood will blend and it will close the connection between us.”

I frown, not understanding.

“You’re going to… bite me? Like, hard?”

He frowns and nods. “It will… not hurt, not really.”

I think about it for a moment but at this point I’ve come so far why would I turn back? More than anything I know that Jax would never hurt me. Decision made I nod my agreement. He purses his lips, staring into my eyes with a searching gaze.

“I’m sure,” I nod.

Only then does he smile. He leans in and we kiss. I run my hands through his hair which is incredibly luscious and soft. He moves from my lips and across my cheek while his hands wander freely.

I let my hand explore too. Running over his hard muscles, tracing the lines of his abs as I go down lower, back to his cock. He’s on my neck, dragging his fangs over my skin. One hand is fondling my tits while the other is on my mound, rubbing.

I close my eyes, laying back onto the bed, and spreading my legs to give him easier access. He doesn’t disappoint. Penetrating with one then two fingers. All the while he’s kissing. When it happens it is unexpected but not painful. I gasp in surprise as I feel the pinch of his fangs piercing. Then something happens.

There are no words. I’m no longer in my body. I’m outside looking down on us, admiring his well chiseled ass. I feel… something. More a knowing than a feeling. I’m aroused, of course, but it feels as if it’s more. Doubling up, growing in a way that doesn’t make sense.

I feel him shove his cock in, replacing his fingers, and it’s amazing. We are moving together in unison, joining, but not only physically. He spoke of a connection being sealed. I realize,suddenly, that is what is happening. I am feeling what he feels as well as what I do.

He cries out, pulling back from my neck. I can see him and me both at the same time. His mouth is open, his fangs are red with what I know is my blood but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I feel his love, I know it as if its my own heart.

He thrusts and retreats while I match his drive. We rise and fall together, building towards something magical. This isn’t sex. Well, not only sex. It’s so much more. It’s special in a way that I cannot imagine being more intimate, more real.

When the orgasm comes I don’t expect it. It hits like a tornado. Dropping out of the sky and ripping through with incredibly pleasurable destructive force. He’s always been able to get me there so it’s not a surprise but what is surprising is the intensity.

It takes a minute to realize I’m not only feeling my own orgasm, but his too. The pleasure is so intense that there is no thinking, only love. We bathe in it. Awash in the glow of not only good sex, but of each others love and admiration for one another.

As the final waves recede it feels as if I drop back into my body but there is a new awareness now. An awareness of how he feels. I can’t really read his mind, not exactly, but I know his emotions and his feelings.

We collapse in each others arms, breathing heavily. The musky smell of sex fills the room as we lie together exhausted. I feel him softening inside and the sensation is perfect.

“I should move,” he whispers.

“Stay,” I say, tightening my arms around him.

I know this pleases him. I feel it in that special place in my head that is him. I close my eyes, holding onto him, and testing this new connection. I try to think towards him, but nothing happens.

He kisses my neck and I shudder because it tickles. He laughs and his joy is like an explosion inside my thoughts. I laugh too.

He pulls out and shifts up onto the bed so that we’re lying side by side, cuddling. We lightly stroke and bask in the glow.

“Are you okay?” he asks at last. “You feel… concerned.”

“You know that?” I ask, rising onto my elbow so I can look at him.