He smiles and nods, one hand trailing along my side and across my hip.
“I told you, we would be connected,” he says. “And we are.”
I nod, biting my lip, feeling his certainty.
“It’s… wild.”
“Yes,” he says, leaning over to kiss my neck and down my arm. “You like?”
“Like?” I giggle. “You know how I feel.”
He smiles and laughs. “I do. And I also know that you need…”
His hand slips between my thighs and into my wetness. In moments we are making love again.
I’m a Princess. It’s still not really real to me, but I don’t have long to get used to the idea. The journey to his galaxy has been faster than I ever would have expected. The screen shows the planets coming closer and closer.
We’ve spent the past few weeks mostly in bed. Apparently the ship more or less takes care of itself when traveling between planets… or solar systems. Or galaxies? I’m still wrapping my head around all of this. One thing that has happened is that he implanted something behind my ear that he said will translate any known language for me, so I can understand his people when we arrive.
“Home,” Jax says.
The planet is beautiful. Blue-green, similar to Earth but with a lot less oceans. There are a lot of space stations floating in orbit around it and ships are coming and going. Jax takes over control of the ship and guides us in and through a series of checkpoints.
It isn’t long before we have landed on the planet. The viewscreen is off and I don’t know what I’ll be seeing when I step out. My heart is fluttering and my stomach is a tight knot. I grimace, trying to keep it all under control.
“Okay,” I exhale.
“It will be fine, mypari,” he says, taking my hand and holding it tight.
I meet his eyes understanding that I can’t hide my fears or nervousness from him. No matter how I try, that has become very clear in the course of our journey.
“What if they don’t… well… like me?”
He grins widely. “You want to know the best part of being in the line of succession? Being royalty?”
“Uh, yeah?” I ask, truly curious.
“I can do whatever I want,” he says, his grin somehow getting even wider then we’re both laughing.
He pulls me into a tight embrace and we kiss.
“Do I look okay?”
I turn a circle. He gave me a flowing dress that is a verdant green which I think really works with my skin tone. There is a long flap that is connected to my left wrist so it rises and falls with my arm.
“You are radiant,” he says, holding me at arms length and looking me up and down.
He leads the way to the ship ramp. My heart continues to run fast as we wait for the door to slide open but the connection between us and his certainty makes it feel as if it will all be okay.
The door slides open and bright light washes over us. I shield my eyes then we walk out, side-by-side and hand-in-hand. As we step out into the fresh, crisp air a cheer erupts. Jax raises my hand with his and the cheering is even louder.
As my eyes adjust I see the throngs of people awaiting us. They go on and on, tall, blue-skinned aliens cheering loudly and then I realize they’re calling my name. I smile and wave to them. They accept me.
And I have him. My life may never be the same, but it’s definitely going to be interesting.