“I think I can do that.”

We shared a smile as my phone vibrated.

If I tell you, you’re going to say no.

I stared at the words for a long moment before spinning the phone so Niles could see.

“Uh oh, Daddio. Sounds like someone wants to go on a date.”

Groaning, I wrote,Tell me anyway.

“Ten bucks says it’s Cody.”

“I can’t handle this.”

“Yes, you can.”

“I can’t. I’m not equipped to chat about sex with my daughter. I thought I was, but I was wrong. The fact she comprehends the extent of our relationship already makes me squirm.”

Another text landed, and I closed my eyes, mouthing a useless prayer before reading it.Cody. Please, Dad. It’s just a movie. You can even drive us there. Don’t say no. I will hate you forever.

Whimpering, I showed Niles the message. “She makes it sound like a privilege. I can even drive them there. Lucky me.”

“Cody’s a good kid.”

“So you’ve said.”

“If he wasn’t, I would tell you.”

“She’s fourteen.”

“Which is about the age most kids start dating.”

“Is it? It seems young.”

“It’s not. You wanted her in school with other teenagers so she could have proper life experiences and make her own decisions about the future, right?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t include—”

Niles held up a staying hand. “Isn’t this a prime example of making one of those choices? If you tell her no, you’re invalidating what you set out to do. Plus…” Niles removed the pickle from his sandwich, setting it aside, “You bought her those gift cards.”

“On your suggestion. This was a trap. I can’t allow it.”

“Then tell her no. I’ll reheat leftovers and eat alone in front of the TV.”

“You wouldn’t.”

He would, and he didn’t have to say it.

Sighing, I texted my daughter.Fine, but we are having a long talk before you leave. What time is the show?


My lecture was met with hostility and a slammed door in my face. I should have reneged on my agreement out of spite, but I didn’t need to give her more reason to hate me. It turned out that Niles’s opinion was the only one that mattered.Nileswas the cool music teacher.Nilesunderstood her.Nilesspoke sign language and made her laugh.

I was the overbearing parent.

Niles arrived at the house shortly before Cody, and Constance instantly relegated me to back-burner status. She begged him to drive them to the theater and sought his feedback on her outfit, her hair, and the scarf she’d chosen. I’d complained her clothing fit too snugly and revealed too much, and since when did she wear makeup? Since when did sheownmakeup?