Vittoria tried to pull her hand back but froze at the nickname he’d called her. She hated being calledgirl.
The hand holding hers tightened, making her acutely aware he wasn’t releasing her until she answered his question unless she wanted to make a scene. She gave a little pull again, recognizing he wasn’t asking. No, it was an order for her to tell him what he wanted, nothing more, nothing less.
“It was punishments,” she said. She wasn’t going to lie, not to a man like him. They all smoked and knew what the scars were, so if she lied, he’d take it as an insult.
He released her hand, running the same thumb he’d been touching her with over his bottom lip and licking like he was tasting her. The action had her skin crawling. His eyes locked onto hers, his eyebrows raised as if he dared her to do or say something. She stayed silent thanks to years of practice living with her stepfather.
“Finish handing out the drinks and leave the bill, Toria.”
She’d already set several drinks down when her nickname fell from his lips. Had she told them her name? She must’ve. Of course, she did. It was one of her standard lines with customers. Only she usually said Tori, not Toria.
After she placed the last drink known, she left the bill to Grigori's right. By sheer will, she refrained from running back to the bar, walking with the trays tucked under her arm like she'd done dozens upon dozens of times. The first deep breath she took filled her with unease as if the men behind her were sizing her up. She hated the sense of being watched and measured for another's purpose. Vittoria was sure the men had nefarious ideas that wouldn’t align with hers.
“AH, THERE’S THE MANwe’ve been waiting for.”
Jeter walked into Hoolihan’s behind his brother Kendrick, ignoring the men who hollered as they entered.
They walked up to the bar, with his brother leading the way. He felt the hair on his neck standing the moment they entered. He couldn’t relax until he looked around the premises for all the exits and sized up the other occupants. Tonight had been one hell of a shitshow, yet his brother appeared utterly unaffected, which worried him.
“You sure this is a good idea, brother?” he asked Kendrick as they moved toward the bar.
“I told you I’m fine. Paula, doing a runner didn’t hurt my heart or my pride. Truthfully, I’m kind of glad I don’t have to have boring ass sex for life.” Kendrick rolled his shoulders.
Hell, he too, would rather not have it himself if forced to choose between one or the other.
He took in those he could see. While they were all wearing nice suits, he and Kendrick wore nicer ones since they’d dressed for his brother’s Groom’s dinner. He wished his MC prez and the brotherhood were with him, knowing they’d be more than enough backup.
“Sure you are. You better start buying lotion in bulk if we make it out of here alive,” Jeter muttered.
“Your eye-roll is showing,” Kendrick said. His older brother had a deep, dry sense of humor. Jeter stepped beside him at the counter, resting his arms on the smooth wood surface. The first thing he saw was the most amazing-looking woman he’d ever laid eyes on. At five feet nothing, she exuded confidence, yet he recognized the slight tremor in her hand when she reached for the rag to wipe the bar off.
“Evening, gentlemen. Are you with the party in the back?” she asked, her emerald, green eyes lifting to them before shifting to the others.
“Hmm,” Kendrick agreed with a little growl.
Chapter Two
Jeter felt the need to set the woman at ease. “Forgive my older brother for his rudeness. His runaway bride left at his groom's dinner. He’s a little grumpy.”
Of course, his brother losing his fiancé didn’t actually hurt him. Piss him off that she’d run off with her lover? Absofuckinglutely. Hell, Jeter didn’t doubt Kendrick would’ve been okay if Paula Rizzo had broken things off with him the proper way. Instead, she’d sent her younger sister Taysey to do her dirty work.
“Oh, my god. I’m so sorry. The first drink is on the house. What can I get you?”
Those sparkling eyes filled with sadness for his brother while he wanted to see what other emotions he could get them to showcase, not for his brother, but for him.
“I’ll take a Maker’s on the rocks. Three cubes of ice.” Kendrick turned away from the bartender to look over the bar, leaving Jeter to order.
“I’ll have the same. Without his attitude.” He pointed over his shoulder.
Kendrick grunted. “I swear by all you hold dear, if you keep pushing my buttons, Jeter, I will drown you in the Chicago River.”
Jeter shook his head. “He won’t, really. I’m his baby brother, and besides, I’m our mother’s favorite. I’m Jeter, by the way. This is Kendrick, but you can ignore him.”
“I’m Tori.” She finished making his drinks with a slight smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
He reached for the two squat glasses she placed on the bar. Her hands looked much less shaken than when they’d entered. “Nice to meet you, Tori.”
“I have a feeling you’re the troublemaker,” she said.