Kendrick chuckled. “Baby brother got jealous. That’s rich.”

Tori elbowed Jeter. “You have zero reason to be jealous of your brother. While he’s handsome in a broody, killer, stalker, rather be anywhere than here type of way, he isn’t my type. Of course, you won't be either if you keep inserting your foot into your mouth.”

“Hey, I’m not broody,” Kendrick objected.

Jeter held his hands up, winking down at Tori. Her heart fluttered at the intimate gesture. This man gave her more emotions in twenty-four hours than any other human she’d encountered. She worried for her sanity should anything happen to him or them.

“You two can do the whole flirty shit after we get back,” Kendrick said in a bored tone.

“Where are we going?” Tori asked.


Fuck. Kendrick either missed his subtle signs to shut the hell up or ignored him on purpose. Probably the latter because his brother could be a dick. “Tori, I need you to listen to me without getting pissed. We’ve found out the fuckers are hiding out in a warehouse on the other side of town. After talking it over earlier, we think taking you with us is too dangerous. Andre will stayhere with you while Kendrick and I, along with a few of his men, will chat with Rizzo and his men.”

Her eyes narrowed. The anger he expected became like a volcano ready to erupt and burn him where he stood. Jeter reached for her, but she stepped back.

Tori shook her head and held her hand up. “You think I should sit here like a little lamb while you guys go take care of the problem? What happens if, god forbid, either of you get hurt or worse...killed? What happens to me then? Am I supposed to sit here and wait for the bad guys to come and get me?”

Jeter worked his jaw, unable to say what he wanted. The words she’d spat hit him in the gut like an anvil, and he didn’t like it.

“Baby, that’s not going to happen. We’re not going in blind, and we sure as shit ain’t going in empty-handed. Trust me, this isn’t our first rodeo.” He tried to reassure her and reached out to touch her again. This time, she didn’t step away.

“You can’t know that, Jeter. I’m scared,” she cried.

He wrapped his arms around her and let her bury her face in his chest and cry. This woman has become more to him than anyone else in his entire life. He’d pledged to his MC and thought he’d put no one above them, his brothers. Holding Tori in his arms, he knew he’d found the other half of his soul.

“I know I’ll do everything within my power to ensure I always make it home to you. Knowing you’re safe, healthy, and happy is my top priority. As long as that fucker is out there plotting against you or whatever his plan is, I can’t rest. We could run, but the fact that he’ll always be lingering in the shadows isn’t any way to live, Vita Mia.” He stroked his hands up and down her back and met Kendrick’s hard stare. His brother understood how he felt and would stand ten toes with him.

She took a shuddering breath as she looked up at him. Tiny droplets of unshed tears hung on her long, dark lashes. Jeterbent his head, kissed each eye, and took those precious tears away with his lips.

“Fine. But if you die, I will never forgive you or you,” she said, looking over her shoulder toward Kendrick.

His brother gave a nod.

TEN MINUTES LATER,they pulled out of Kendrick's garage with several of his men in one of the armored SUVs, another one following with more of Kendrick’s men inside it. There was a pit in his stomach at leaving Tori alone, but he pushed it aside.

“The house is secure, and Andre is one of my best. I’d trust him with my woman, Jeter.” Kendrick spoke from the seat next to him. His tone was firm but low. They both agreed Tori would be a liability if she came with them. Jeter needed to focus on the task at hand and not worry about Tori as they moved.

“Have you heard from your scout lately?” The man had been watching the warehouse for the past several hours. If anyone had come or gone, he would’ve notified Kendrick.

“The last time he reported in, everything was quiet except for a delivery of food and beer at around five in the morning. No wonder Rizzo has a belly on him,” Kendrick muttered.

Taysey Rizzo had been curvy as well, yet she’d bitched about Kendrick’s penchant for good Italian food. Obviously, her family liked takeout shit.

“Did you care for your ex at all?” Jeter asked Kendrick.

His brother shot him a glare and then let out a sigh. “We were together for going on three years. She was entertaining when I needed company. The sex was satisfying. Honestly, I figured it was as good as it would get. My life isn’t easy for most women to accept, and Taysey knew the score. There wouldn’t be any need for me to explain the rules to her. With her, I didn’t have to tiptoe around when shit went down. I came home and showeredoff the bullshit that I dealt with, and there were never any questions because she knew better than to ask. So, yeah, I guess you could say I cared for her in my way. I always took care of her. She never had to want for anything. If she had engagements, I ensured we attended together, and I tried to look happy.”

Jeter watched his brother put on his best fake smile. “I’m so fucking glad she ran. You’d have been miserable.”

Kendrick rolled his eyes. “Not everyone gets the shit you’ve found with Tori, brother. Hell, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I’d have called you delusional.”

He opened his mouth to respond when his cell phone lit up with an alert. A smile broke free. “My brothers are here.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? I’m your only brother.” Kendrick leaned over to see what Jeter had read.

He held his phone out and showed Kendrick the image of the men holding up their middle fingers as they climbed inside a vehicle outside the airport in Chicago. The timestamp showed they’d arrived over half an hour ago.