“I knew I liked her,” Sophie exclaimed. Her hand slapped the table as she laughed.

Enzo tugged her around to face him. “You would. Now hush and kiss me. We leave in five minutes.”

Tori got up from the table, gathered up the trash, and turned to toss it in the garbage. Jeter grabbed her arm before she could walk away. “You okay?”

She swallowed. “Yeah. I just want to get going. Get away from here. You know?”

His thumb smoothed over her forearm, making her flesh pebble from his touch. “If I had a magic wand, I’d make it all disappear.”

She licked her lips and nodded. “All except you.”

“Damn right. No way I’d erase you and me.” He let her go, watching as she moved toward the trash can. He eyed her ass as she walked toward the bathroom. Her sexy, swaying walk captivated him as surely as if she were a magician.

“You got it bad, brother,” Enzo said in a deep voice as she entered the bathroom.

Tori shut the wooden door and leaned against it. She let out the air she’d been holding as she walked away from Jeter, then sucked in another lung full. Holy shit. She feared she’d pass out.

“Nothing can happen to any of them,” she whispered.

She hurriedly went to the bathroom, washed up, and ensured they hadn’t left anything inside. With her back straight, she pulled the door open. Jeter stood outside, leaning against the wall with one foot propped up like he’d been waiting for a while. Only she knew he hadn’t been there long since she wasn’t inside for over five minutes or so. “What’re you doing?” she questioned him.

“Waiting on you.”

She wanted to roll her eyes at his absurd statement. “Thank you, Captain Obvious. I mean, why are you standing out here waiting for me?”

He dropped his leg and stood to his full height. “Let’s see. My woman looked upset and went to the bathroom, so I came to check on her. Doesn’t that sound reasonable?”

“I didn’t look that upset, did I?” she asked. Her face felt hot at the thought of the other two seeing her look like a fool.

Jeter pulled her hands away from her cheeks. “I could tell because I pay attention, Vita Mia. Honestly, I think if you stubbed your toe across a crowded room, I would probably know it and swoop in to fix you. You’ve imprinted on my DNA, or so it seems.”

She let out a laugh. “That sounds like one of those Twilight movies.”

He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips.

“You know, the werewolf and vampire saga movies? Oh, come on, everyone was either Team Jacob or Team Edward.Well, I was Team Threesome, but that’s basically the same thing.” She tried to look serious.

His fingers danced along her ribs, making her squirm and giggle. “Team threesome, huh?” he asked.

“Only kidding,” she wheezed. Her hands tried to stop his as he continued to tickle her. When she knew she was no match for him, she hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Knowing he wouldn’t let her fall, she locked her ankles around his back with her arms secured at his nape. His hands gripped her ass.

“You don’t play fair, Vita Mia. Fucking werewolves and vampires, my ass.” He stroked his thumbs over her curves, humming a song she couldn’t decipher.

“Hey, you two ain’t got time for a quickie. Let’s roll,” Enzo yelled from down the hall.

Tori buried her face in Jeter’s throat and snorted a laugh. “Oh, my fucking god. I thought they left.”

“Nope. However, I’m down for a quickie if you are.” He rubbed her against his thickening shaft to let her know he was serious.

She tugged his head up by the back of his hair. “Rain check.”

After unlocking her ankles, she dropped to the floor with Jeter’s assistance. They walked down the hall together, holding hands toward Enzo and a smiling Sophie.

“I moved my seat up for you, Tori.”

The other woman held a set of keys in her hand with what appeared to be a set of plastic knuckles as the keyring. “Ah, thank you.”

Sophie shrugged. She and Enzo led the way back out of the warehouse. She winced as the sun blinded her as they stepped outside, realizing they’d been in the tiny suite-like apartment with no windows for quite a while. How people lived in cave-likehomes puzzled her. Tori couldn’t imagine living in one for an extended amount of time.