“Last night had been the first time I’ve been close to anything like that. I mean, I’ve seen men I knew were part of one Family or another, but they always went to the back where Cian or one of his brothers took care of them. It was never a private partylike last night. Honestly, I don’t think the Hoolihan’s would’ve accepted the reservation if they knew what was happening.” Tori had a pleading look on her face.
Jeter tipped his head to the side and gave her a nod. He believed her. Cian had charged in like a bull, ready to destroy anyone who stood in the way. He’d looked pissed on Tori’s behalf. That hadn’t been faked. He didn’t think.
“Jeter, what’s the plan, brother? When you coming home?” King’s question made Tori freeze. She didn’t appear to breathe. He didn’t like that. She seemed to hang on a knife-edge, waiting for his answer. Dammit, she needed to trust him.
“We’re going to see if we can’t get into her apartment and grab a few of her things, like her computer, which has her school stuff on it, and go from there. Taking a plane is too risky since we don’t know who to be on the lookout for. I don’t want to be thirty thousand feet in the air in a tin can with wings and there be some fucker hell-bent on taking Tori out. I don’t doubt my ability to keep her safe, but there are a lot of factors I can’t control in the air.” He leaned back and stared at her.
“That’s why you’re my road captain. The road captain’s duties go beyond simply being responsible for charting the course of the ride. You’re the backbone, the fearless leader who ensures safety, communication, and unity among your brothers. And now your woman. I knew I chose right with you, Cowboy. Figure out the ride, do your job, and know we got your back.”
“It’s a twenty-eight-hour ride, brother. I mapped it. If you drive halfway and we ride halfway, we could meet you in Colorado at Barr Lake State Park. You know we love us some mountain riding.”
“Hey, Duke. I didn’t know you got your ass out of bed before noon. I appreciate you guys offering to ride for me, but with me unable to scout the roads, I’m not willing to have all of you out there without me knowing what’s up ahead. I don’t know theforecast for each day and night, nor do I have details for where you can hole up in emergencies. We have chapters in cities along the route I can contact if I need help. I’d rather do that than put my brothers at risk.”
“Fuck, when he gets home, we’re going to have to kick his ass to remind him we’re not a bunch of pussies. It’s your fault, King. I swear, you’re looking soft. You used to walk into the clubhouse, and everyone quaked in fear. Now, they still quake, but they are silently laughing when they see you get riled up over your ole’ lady.”
Silence followed the sound of a thud and a grunt.
“Well, that was fun. I don’t think our VP will be talking for a little while. What a dumbass,” Keys muttered.
Jeter’s shoulders shook with laughter, but he didn’t make a sound. He held up his finger and walked out of the bathroom.
“DID JETER LEAVE YOUalone so he could go bust his gut somewhere out of the hearing of us?”
She slapped her hand over her mouth, looking around the room to see if there were cameras.
“Your silence is answer enough. Anyhoo, I think I have enough information to track down who might be behind the would-be shooter. I’d say killer, but I don’t think it was a shoot-to-kill. In fact, I’d bet my keyboard that the shot meant to send you running, and there would be some open arms waiting for you wherever you ran.”
“Wait a minute. You don’t think that shot was meant to kill me? That bullet whizzed right by Jeter’s head. If I hadn’t shoved him at that moment, it would’ve shot him in the head. Wait. No, that’s not right. My shove might have actually propelled himinto the bullet. Oh god. Is it possible the shooter had only been shooting at the ground, and I inadvertently pushed Jeter into the trajectory? Therefore, it’s my fault he almost died?” She hopped off the sink to think and pace. Her mind tried to imagine how the shooter would’ve set up to make the shot.
“Have you tried to pull up cameras from the alley last night?” It would make sense if he could do it everywhere else.
“Of course, I tried. Whoever did that half-assed hit also ensured the surveillance video's angles cut off a half hour before and after the incident. Don’t worry, though. I have a program that is looking for certain details. If there’s a hit, I’ll find it.” He didn’t sound happy, but then again, she didn’t know his nuances.
“There’s no doubt in my mind if there’s a clue, you’ll find it,” she agreed.
“Someone went to great lengths to set that fake hit up. From what I can tell, it looks very much like a setup. The question is why, and then we’ll get a who. They thought you’d run back inside like a frightened girl who needed saving.”
“That’s nuts. Why would they do that? Alberto is dead. My family is dead to me, and vice versa. Who would gain from shooting at me?”
She looked at the doorway. Her eyes widened as Jeter stared at her. “Grigori was at the bar having a meeting he organized. He used the pretense of his daughter eloping with another man to get my brother there, which he knew would cause a war between the two families. You have ties to the Rizzo family. It’s not too far-fetched to think he knows who you are.”
“That’s crazy. H...haven’t they lived in the same city for like ever?” She looked at the phone like it would have all the answers.
Jeter shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes. “He wants my brother’s territory. If he could get the backing of one of New York’s big five, it’s possible he could overtake the Calderones. My brother’s organization is the largest in the city. Rizzo is agreedy fuck who doesn’t want to work for his riches. He’s always been that way, even when we were growing up. I remember he and Kendrick had been friends until they weren’t. My brother was always popular and excelled. I looked up to him as only a little brother does. Watching Grigori try to outdo Kendrick was comical. There’s one memory that almost makes me feel sorry for the fucker. His brother Alberto was at their last football game their senior year. Their family sat in front of ours. While my brother was the quarterback, Rizzo was on the bench. Alberto taunted Grigori about being the bench warmer while the next Boss led the team. He was so loud that everyone heard and laughed at Grigori. After that game, Grigori and my brother got into a knockdown, drag-out fight, and Kendrick beat the shit out of his best friend. After that night, none of the Rizzos ever returned to our house.”
“Alberto was a bully,” she said. “I’m sorry for pushing you.”
JETER FRAMED HER FACEin his hands. “You didn’t do shit, Vita Mia. Whoever it was, whether it was Rizzo or someone else who set the shooter up, they’re responsible. I believe everything happens for a reason. Those dumb fucks didn’t know you’d have me out there with you. Know what that means?”
He waited for her to shake her head or say no. Her hands gripped his arms, and she shook her head.
“It means I was destined to be there and stop you from falling into their clutches. It means you and I were meant to meet.”
“And this is when we hang up, so we don’t have to hear you have phone sex,” Keys said.
“We aren’t going to have phone sex, asshole.” Jeter rolled his eyes, smiling down at Tori.
“Of course not. You’re not on the phone across the city from one another. That would be ridiculous. However, if we stay on the phone and hear you having sex, it’s considered phone sex. I’d have to get my ole’ lady in here, and then I’d have to have sex. That would be dual phone sex. I’m not sure if that’s legal.”