"I got an address and know the layout. The best time to go in is right at sundown or shortly before, but it's a good two-and-a-half-hour ride, and you're not gonna want to take your bikes down." Keys fingers tapping on his keyboard echoed down the line. "I suspect this isn't the first timeRico Suavehas done the snatch and grab. From the intel I'm getting, they might've been given the girl's info, kinda a present from the Leglamos family. Know anything about that?"
King shook his head. "Not yet," he said, keeping his eyes trained on Ayesha. Even though she couldn't hear the conversation, he wanted to see if she was nervous. If she'd known her sister was snatched due to her association with her ex's family, she should've gone to the feds, not come to his club unless this was a setup.
He pocketed his phone and stepped around the counter, separating himself from the petite little woman. He was the one who just might be on the wrong side of good, but in life, bad things tended to be the best fucking thing. Not that he and his brothers considered themselves bad guys, but they sure as shit weren't like the men Ayesha had been related to. He backed her against the refrigerator, a bit of satisfaction filling him as her eyes widened with fear and feminine lust. "I'm going to ask you one more time, and you best believe I will know if you're lying to me. Are you, or are you not, working with the Leglamos or the Trevino families?" He lifted her chin with one hand, keeping his thumb on the pulse in her throat, feeling it flutter beneath him.
"Are you fucking crazy? Of course, I'm not working with the Trevino family. He took my sister, or rather she went with him, but I know she doesn't realize he doesn't really care about her. She's only sixteen, for god's sake. As for the Leglamos family? They hate me as much as I hate them. They blame me for Carlos's death. If he hadn't been married to me, they think he'd have been happily alive, living with them and doing their bidding, whatever that was. He told me he hated everything they stood for. We were only married for six months. He...didn't tell me much about his life before me, only that it was hell, and I was his chance at something better. I didn't know he was rich until after he was killed. I swear to you, that's the truth. I'll tell you the same thing I told his brother: I didn't want his money then, and I don't want it now."
King felt her tremble beneath his touch, but there was no doubt she was telling the truth, or else he wanted to believe her version. Her home was cute but not extravagant. "Why do you say it like they still fuck with you about his money? Did he have life insurance or something?"
She licked her lips. Her eyes stared unblinkingly into his. "There was a small policy we had together. It paid off my mortgage and car loan, but that was it. It wasn't millions of dollars or anything crazy. His family acted as though I killed him," she cried, tears leaking from her eyes.
King sat his drink on the counter behind her, rubbing his thumbs beneath the dark smudges, drying the moisture as she wept. "Ssh, don't. I can't stand to see a woman cry. Listen, let's go back into the living room, and we'll start over."
Ayesha hiccupped. "Does Carlos's family have something to do with Tiana's disappearance?"
He didn't want to say yes or no. Too many coincidences pointed to the affirmative, and in his gut, he couldn't help but think there had to be a connection, but he couldn't say for sure. However, until they got the girl home, he wouldn't do or say anything either way.
AYESHA HATED CRYINGworse than she hated getting her period. Her face felt swollen and splotchy from the previous night's episode, and here she was doing it again all over King, the man who really was too gorgeous for her liking. "Where's your bike?" she blurted as they sat on her overstuffed couch.
He pointed toward the front of the house. "Out there. Why?"
"I didn't hear you pull up." She took a sip of her coffee that she'd liberally laced with sugar and milk, needing the caffeine to clear her head.
"I shut it down a couple houses away and rolled it here. I wanted to see what kind of security you had. By the way, it sucks hairy monkey balls, lady." King sat with one big, booted foot resting on his knee while his arms were draped across the back of her couch.
She'd always thought her furniture was huge and could seat at least four or five people, but seeing King sprawled out on it, she recalculated her estimation, or rather, decided only he could take up so much space.
"Why're you looking at me like that?" he asked, his gaze heating her from the inside out.
How could she be lusting after this man, any man, when her baby sister was probably being taken advantage of even as she sat there? "You're so big you intimidate me," she exclaimed, looking away so he wouldn't see her blushing.
King uncrossed his legs, bringing his face closer to hers. "Good, I'm not a pussy ass little bitch, Ayesha. Now, I need to ask you a few things, and I need you to answer them without holding back."
She took a deep breath. "Whatever you need to know, just ask."
For the next hour, she answered everything he asked to the best of her knowledge. When his phone rang, she sat back. Her throat had gone dry from talking. "I'm going to get a refill. Do you want any?"
King nodded, the phone to his ear as he got up and walked away. She wondered who he was talking to and how a bunch of tattooed biker guys had gotten into the business of saving young girls.
"That was Chloe's old man. He told me to tell you Chloe won't be making her next appointment but to schedule her in eight weeks. I'm assuming she usually comes every four weeks?" King asked, his back to the wall, but he stayed away from the windows.
She licked her lips before answering. "Yes, that's correct. Is she in trouble because of me?"
He didn't answer her, which was her confirmation. "She's not like...hurt or anything, right?"
King raised one brow. "Did your husband hurt you if you disobeyed him?"
Ayesha shivered at the thought of being punished by a man who cared about her. No. Carlos never would've laid a hand on her, but she'd fantasized about it. "No. It's just that I don't like the thought of Chloe getting in trouble because she told me something." Besides, who would've thought Ayesha would need help from the Royal Sons only days after the other women slipped up?
"You have a very expressive face, Ayesha," King murmured.
She gasped, her head whipping up at his words. "How the hell did you get over here without making a noise?" She tried to step back, but he caught her arm.
"Would you like to find out what it feels like to be put over my knee, or better yet, tied to my bed while I spanked that sexy little ass, Ayesha?" he asked, his deep voice rolling over her nerves, making her tremble.
"I don't think that's legal." She tried to cover her cheeks with her hands, knowing they had to be red.
His deep chuckle told her he knew what he was doing. "Baby, there's lots of things I'll do to you that might be considered illegal, but I can guarantee you'll love every minute of it. However, me spanking your ass isn't illegal. It would only be done if necessary or for pleasure."