King looked over his shoulder, a grim look on his face, nodding. "I think we all might," he said.
Traeger took a deep breath. "I'll meet you back at your place in twenty." He didn't wait for an acknowledgment of his statement before striding away with long, determined steps.
If shit was going down that might or might not cost them their lives, King was glad to have a man like Traeger backing them. He was aware the other man would be setting things in motion just in case shit went wrong, but it was King's job to make sure it didn't.
Twenty minutes later, Traeger rolled up on his Harley, his black jeans and shirt topped with a black leather jacket and chaps, his cut lying over his lap. "We going in with our colors or no?" he asked King.
King shook his head. "Put it in your saddle bag. This shit is liable to go south on us."
Duke's all-black Harley eased in next to Traeger. His attire was all black, too, except his cut was on his back. "Are you ready? Hollywood said your girl hasn't gotten up yet."
The sound of several other bikes pulling in had Traeger turning toward the road, where they could see their brothers rolling up. "You hear from Keys?" he asked King.
"Yeah. This shits more fucked up than we thought." King looked at Digger with a hard stare.
Digger nodded once. "Got it. Anything else?"
King pointed toward the door. "Nobody goes in or out. If anyone needs me, shoot me a text. Or get in touch with Duke."
"Got it," Digger agreed.
"Was there any trouble last night?" Digger had been one of the guys who'd followed Groot out, making sure the other man left without returning. Keys had monitored things as well. He'd have heard if there had been any real problems, but he wanted to hear Digger's take.
"Groot was always a pussy. I didn't think he'd last as long as he did. If it hadn't been for his buddy, he wouldn't have. Now Frog, he's solid." Digger looked toward the clubhouse. "There's a couple chicks you should keep an eye on. I think they're more trouble than they're worth. I'm pretty sure they came with Groot. I hadn't seen them until after he came. Ain't never seen them with anyone but him and sometimes Frog, but I think that was 'cause he was with the other fucker. Don't know, man, just something wasn't right with any of them bitches." He took a deep breath and waited.
King walked down the steps. The chain on his hip connected to his wallet jangled in the quiet of the morning. "Give Keys their names and descriptions. From today on, they're no longer allowed at the clubhouse. If you feel something is off, it's good enough for me until Keys says otherwise." He looked back, watching as Digger's chest rose and fell. Shit, did they all think he was going to shoot their asses or what?
Before getting on his Harley, he looked it over, even knowing one of the prospects had been outside all night watching it. With the way shit was going down and the information coming in about the Leglamos putting out feelers regarding Ayesha and her sister, King wasn't taking any chances. Those sick fucks and the Trevino's had been in competition, not working together, so he couldn't see them contracting the other to take the girl. Still, dismissing the information would be foolish.
Not seeing anything unusual, he straddled his bike, put on his skullcap, and fired it up. He and the Sons rolled out of the long drive, heading down to Los Angeles one by one. Once they entered the storage facility, they put on their masks and became what they needed to get the girl home.
They rode only conversating once they reached the outskirts of town about an hour from their club, each member of the Royal Sons trusting King. They pulled into a storage center, the sun not yet up, waiting for the gate to open. Traeger sat at the back with Thrill, their bikes rumbling beneath them. "Do you feel uneasy, Trigger?" Thrill asked. He was one of the last riders besides Traeger.
King looked back, waiting for his Sergeant at Arms to answer.
Traeger looked around before responding. "Nope, all's good, man."
Thrill nodded, his bike easing forward with the others. King looked backward to see Traeger wait another minute, making sure nobody had followed them before going through, his bike the last to enter. "You good, brother?" he asked through the radio on their bikes. The little device Keys had installed allowed them to communicate with a press of a button. Traeger's engine died while he and the others continued through the maze of units. King didn't press for an immediate answer, letting his guy do what he felt was needed.
King's watch buzzed an alert that the alarm system had been set. "Keys, what's going on?" he asked barely above a whisper, holding his hand up for the others to go silent.
"Digger called in. You've got eyes in the vicinity. I'll have more details shortly," Keys said.
A short while later, the sound of gravel crunching had Duke turning with his gun out, facing toward Traeger, who rolled his bike in. "Man, what the hell you doing coming in like that?" Thrill asked, his eyes going from Duke to Traeger.
"See anything?" Duke asked, ignoring Thrill as he lowered the gun he held. He picked up another, his hands expertly loading a semi-automatic.
Traeger leaned his bike on the kickstand before answering, "Keys, are you listening?" he asked again.
King knew the other man was wired into the unit and was hearing everything that was going on. Although he was the President of the Royal Sons MC, Keys was the brain and a man they all trusted.
"Does a bear shit in the woods?" came the snarl over the speaker system. "By the way, the cameras caught that fancy black SUV rolling by, but I couldn't get a read on the license."
Traeger rattled off the plate number, telling the crew what he'd seen.
"We got eyes on Ayesha?" King looked to Duke.
"Hollywood and Bug stayed there overnight to watch over her place," Duke said, laying another gun on the table.