After he finished the beer, he walked over to the window, staring back toward the clubhouse, seeing the lights still on, music barely audible where his house sat. He glanced over his shoulder, his stare caught on the last picture he and his two brothers had taken hanging on the wall. It was of the three of them standing next to their bikes. He and Duke had smirks on their faces while Luke was smiling. His kid brother always smiled. He had been the one to bring him and Duke out of any funk. Now, it was just the two of them, both assholes who were prone to being dicks.
“I would’ve accepted you, you little shit,” King said, squeezing the long-neck bottle between his fingers. The glass shattered from the force. He ignored the pain and the warm blood that dripped down unnoticed. “I’d have kicked the shit out of anyone who fucked with you,” he growled, looking down at his hand and what was left of the bottle. Instead of dropping the glass, he carefully walked to the kitchen, depositing the remnants in the garbage before running his hand under cold water. Once he had his hand clean and wrapped in a towel around it, he cleaned up the floor.
An hour passed before his phone rang again. He finished sealing the cut with the glue Doc had given them when his brother’s number showed on the caller ID. “What’s going on?” he asked without preamble.
“She lives in a small house with an attached garage. It's a nice neighborhood, but not the Hills. She’s got a tail, and definitely not the police, either,” Duke said calmly.
“Did her tail have a tail?” King sat forward, his fingers flying across the keyboard of the computer. The silence that greeted him let him know Duke was checking with the other guys.
“Nope, only the G-Wagon that was pimped out. The dumbass was following her. Seriously, a white G-Wagon with chrome everything is a conspicuous rig. Either these dudes are dumbasses, or they think she’s that stupid.” Duke let his distaste show in his tone.
Although they had money, they put their cash in the club, their bikes, or on shit that had tangible meaning rather than a cage that meant nothing in a few years. “What did they do once she got home safe and sound?”
“They drove around her neighborhood before disappearing. We parked a couple blocks away. I moseyed on in for a closer look on feet. I didn’t see anything unusual, but we chilled for a few just to be safe. The others kept a lookout in case there was another coming in from the other direction. So far, all is good. I think they’re just watching her coming and going. If I were to guess, I’d say they’ve got her car tagged.”
King would agree with that assumption, especially if they had the kind of money it would take to make girls disappear without a trace and if they were rolling around in pimped-out cages like Duke said. “I think we’re dealing with a somewhat sophisticated group here, but also one that is ballsy. You know what that means?”
Duke snorted. “It means these fuckers are going to hate to meet us in a dark alley.”
“It means they ain’t gonna meet us in a dark alley because the fuckers will be too scared for that, yet they’ll think they hold all the cards. Head on back, and I’ll check with Keys. By the time you get here, I’ll probably know more about them.” King laughed, knowing Keys would likely have found out the type of underwear the others bought, just so he dotted all the I’s and crossed every T.
“You need anything before I head back? Maybe a burger or some lotion to help me rub one out? I saw the way you were looking at this one, brother. Remember, we don’t get involved with trouble, and this one looks like she is all capital T R O U B L E.” Duke disconnected before King could tell him to mind his own business.
“Like I fucking need you to tell me that, little brother.” King looked down at his phone, staring at the screen like it would give him answers. He went back to the computer in front of him, waiting for the files to open from Keys. The first file had been a preliminary one. A surface glance is what Keys called it. This one was deeper.
Hell, if he wanted, he could find out what both sisters had gotten in sixth-grade science, but that wasn’t what he was looking for. He was searching for anything that appeared off. A file, or email, some correspondence that shouldn’t be there. Ayesha might look like she was the upset older sister looking for the younger sister who had been tricked into a situation, but she could be setting them up. They were an MC who lived by several rules, never fuck over one another being one of them. However, they also took on slightly ethical jobs, but ones the law might not be able to do without a whole lot of red tape. King and his club didn’t like tape. It gave them hives. Besides, the money they got from some of their wealthier clients filled their coffers and allowed them to do pro-bono shit, like pull spoiled little brats like Tiana out of stupid situations. The downside was figuring out if they were being set up. If they were being set up, depending on who was doing it, it could mean jail time or death. Personally, King liked living a whole hell of a lot.
His phone chimed with an incoming message from Keys. “She appears on the up and up, and you know I’ve looked deep, brother. Need anything else? Let me know.”
King swiped his thumb over the lock button, opening up another file. This one contained pictures of both girls. Ayesha had long dark hair in the first, the ends nearly reaching her very round ass. His hand twitched to spank her like she’d tempted him. Damn, he couldn’t remember the last time a woman had gotten him so hard, so fast, just by daring him. He shifted in his seat, scrolling through the images. Both girls were dark-haired and dark-eyed, obviously mixed heritage with their caramel complexion. Ayesha’s hair had been soft and smooth beneath his hand when he’d touched it. He wondered if she was as soft and smooth all over. It took him a second to realize he was fantasizing about a woman he had no right to be thinking that way about. The following image popped onto the screen, a younger version of Ayesha. The girl could be her twin, but she hadn’t yet gotten the fuller curves like her older sister. King clicked through the images, freezing as he came to an image of Ayesha dressed in a wedding gown, smiling up at a young blonde man in a tux.
“Little prick looks like he drives a Volvo and likes to play Yahtzee, or Pinochle, or some other all-American nerdy ass game.” He sat back in the chair, folding his hands over his stomach.
What was it about Ayesha that had his insides twisting in knots? Sure, she was hot as fuck with curves in all the right places. He liked his women to have a womanly figure, not the typical model body you saw on the covers of magazines or the ones who looked as though they only ate salads and drank water. No, he wanted a woman who could handle a good hard fucking all night long. A woman who could take what he gave and still look up at him from her perch on her knees and still ask for more with a smile on her lips and a little bit of his come sliding out from between her legs. Yeah, he liked it dirty and rough, and that sexy little bit of fluff was precisely his type on the outside. But could she handle who he was and all that came with being his woman?
Chapter Three