Page 107 of Royal Sons MC

Chapter Eighteen

King looked over atKeys, drumming his fingers on the counter. The other man had his laptop on the bar, tapping away like normal. “Brother, it’s been two weeks. You don’t really think he’s given up, do you?”

“My gut says no, but the house is empty for all intents and purposes. All the staff have been let go. Presumedly, they don’t plan to return anytime soon. Kailani’s accounts haven’t been touched. It’s as if he’s ghosted.” Keys turned the computer screen to face King. “Look at the amount of net worth she’s got.”

King whistled through his teeth. Traeger and his ole’ lady had stuck to their area for the last two weeks, and so had Ayesha and her sister Tiana, but he could see they were all getting stir-crazy. The need to get out amongst the world was making Tiana bratty. “Traeger know about that?” he asked. His Sergeant at Arms was finally back to a hundred percent, or so he’s assured King since his bullet wound.

“What’s Traeger know about what?” the man in question asked.

King glanced over his shoulder, shaking his head. “Why are you sneaking around?”

He pointed at Keys. “He knew I was here.”

King let out a tired sigh. “Did you tell him about his ole’ lady?”

Traeger crossed his arms over his chest, his leather cut creaking in the silence that followed while they waited for Keys to respond.

“Nope, I told you. I figured you could tell him.” Keys tapped his keyboard several more times, pausing before giving them his attention. “What?” he asked.

King and Traeger shared a look. “He’s got looks and brains, but he’s seriously a stupid fuck.” Traeger stepped toward Keys, clearly ready to pound some sense into him.

“Hey, don’t mess with the looks.” Keys made a circular motion around his face. “Besides, I knew you’d overhear our conversation, which would lead to you hearing.” He pointed at one, then the other. “There was a probability of eighty-five percent.”

“Can I hit him now?” Traeger asked.

“I’ve been asking that for five years, and the answer has been no. If anyone gets to beat Keys, it’s me,” Duke said with a straight face, walking in carrying a bottle of whiskey.

Keys eyed them from his spot. King would laugh if Keys were to actually show the others how deadly he was—not just at computers but in combat. The brother was lean but was probably one of his best fighters in a fistfight or firefight. The others were clueless, which Keys preferred.

King glanced at the clock on the wall and then at Duke. “I guess it’s five o’clock somewhere?”

Duke gave a salute with the bottle before taking a drink straight from the bottle. “So, your ole’ lady is fucking loaded, I hear. That’s dangerous to have hanging on her head with a crazy non-bro lurking around. You need to keep better tabs on her.”

Traeger froze, his entire body stopping in mid-motion. “What did you say?”

“There you go.” Keys put his glasses back on and looked at the screen. “They found another body. Oh, I haven’t told you yet. So far, in the last five days, there’s been five bodies found. All dark-haired, young women of Latino or mixed heritage. The first two were prostitutes; they were fucked up bad. These last three were college girls who went missing from campus at the same time, but each girl’s body was discovered a day apart.”

“Are you saying you think these five girls’ deaths have something to do with Kailani’s brother?” Traeger asked.

Keys turned the computer around, showing surveillance footage. “I’ve finally got my program right. I’ve been able to upload my spyware to the traffic system servers. I can then hack into every traffic camera and narrow it down to where my program bots can detect whichever vehicle type, from make and model to tire and wheels, I program into it. Once I have the correct profile into the program, I upload it, let it piggyback through their system, and narrow it further by giving my bots more specific information. Once it had the vehicle in sight, they followed it. I was able to back-trace it as well, and...and saw when they procured the victims. Kailani and Tiana are very lucky to be alive,” he said soberly, removing his glasses.

King knew there were more technical things to Keys’ program, but the other man dumbed it down for the three of them, knowing he, Duke, and Traeger would be lost to the details. “Is any of that going to be admissible in court?” King asked, figuring it best to ask. They skirted the law.

Keys shook his head.

“Shit. We need to stop him, or our girls are going to be virtual prisoners for the rest of their lives.”

“That’s not gonna happen,” Kailani said.

King growled, throwing his hands in the air. “What the fuck happened to my security?”