“Come on, into the tub you go before I put you to bed.” King stood and grabbed his jeans and leather cut. He held his hand out to Ayesha who sat on her heels.
“Can I just sleep right here?” She indicated where she was.
He snapped his fingers twice. “Don’t make me tan that ass.”
“My ass doesn’t get tan when you slap it,” she groused.
King didn’t try to hide his grin, nor did he bother to hide his chuckle as he slapped her ass when she was standing beside him. “I’ll make sure to check daily.”
He put his clothes on the chair by the bed and continued in through the ensuite, tugging Ayesha with him. Her gasp of surprise had him shaking his head. “Told you I had a suite up here, too.” Once he had her bath water run, he settled her in it. He went downstairs, grabbed a few things he needed, and came back upstairs, not wanting to be away from her too long. He decided to use the shower in the other bathroom. He was back before she was finished, coming to a hard stop at the vision she made with her head lying on the back of the massive tub in the center of the room.
After grabbing a towel, he squatted beside the tub, brushing the hair off her forehead. “Come on, it’s time to get out. The waters gotten cold,” he whispered.
Her eyes blinked open, soft, and full of an emotion he didn’t want to put a name to.
“I just got in,” she murmured in a sleep-husky voice.
“Does that water feel hot like when you’d just got in?” he asked but didn’t wait for her answer, standing and reaching in to lift her out. He stood her on the rug in front of him, using the towel to dry her off. She shivered, but he made quick work of getting all the moisture off her before wrapping another towel around her body. King picked her up, carried her into the master suite, and tucked her into bed. He slipped the towel from his waist and followed her in. “Goodnight,” he said, yawning loudly.
RICO PUNCHED THE WALL, the sheetrock denting in under the force. “The stupid puta shoulda died with her whore of a mother,” he spat.
“Boss, maybe we should cut our losses and go overseas for an extended stay. By now, they’ve probably alerted the cops to our operation.”
He turned his anger toward the idiot who’d lost his latest plaything on the freeway that night, or at least who he was blaming. “You know what, I have a better idea. Why don’t we cut some dead weight, hmm?” He raised his hand after pulling the gun from behind his back and firing. Martel Sudan would no longer be a problem. No, just the opposite. “Get rid of him,” he told his bodyguards with a flick of his fingers as if speaking of dust.
A whimper from the bed made him glance over to the female there. She was youngish, but she was no virgin, not like Tiana had been. Ah, he had such plans for her. She would’ve passed for several of his client’s daughters, making it easy for them to take her in and out of many ports. Of course, they’d have taken her in and out of all her ports. The thought made his dick hard.
The woman on the bed whimpering was an added boon to his needs. She would give him an outlet. Rico wouldn’t have to give her away. He could watch her life fade away however and whenever he wanted as he chose the way to end her suffering—when he decided.
From a young age, he’d learned pain and pleasure went hand-in-hand, a lesson his father had told him was that much sweeter—he shut down his thoughts. Once he’d been older, his father no longer looked to him for his fun, and he didn’t care what his father liked as long as he enjoyed it. He'd hated that his father never wanted his sister the way he'd wanted him when she had been a child. The little bitch had an almost normal childhood, unlike him. Once she'd become older, he'd started putting thoughts into their father's head about selling her. It had taken him three years before the old bastard had agreed, saying she had to be eighteen, which was ironic since he sure as fuck hadn't been that old when the fucker had...no, he wasn't going there.
Thanks to his money and status, he’d found his own playthings. Yes, he’d become what his father had made him, but he respected the man, using his money and connections to get what he needed. Were the things he’d been through hard? Wrong? Maybe some would say yes, but they’d made him stronger, and he was now a man who nobody fucked with and got away with it.
He went to the bed, eyeing the dark-haired beauty with pleading eyes. “Hello, little sister. How’re you this evening?” He brushed her hair back, yanking it hard enough several pieces would be in his hand when he released it.
Muffled words he couldn’t understand came out of her mouth. Rico put his hand over her taped mouth. “Ssh, you’ll only anger me.” He whipped the blanket away, wanting to see what she looked like without her clothes. Hatred filled him at the sight of the tattoos covering her left side and down her thigh. Whores got tattoos, not his sister. “Who did this?” He slapped her stomach with the back of his hand.
She shook her head back and forth, tears leaking out of eyes that weren’t the right shade as Kailani’s. He’d seen every inch of his sister, had facilitated the loss of her virginity at the age of eighteen, and watched the entire thing on the security cameras. He had the videos from that day on his computer for times he wanted to watch it again. Now, looking at the woman on the cheap hotel sheets, with her overly tanned skin and too-toned body, she was nothing like his perfect sister. His dick deflated some, but he needed relief.
“Hold her down for me.” He barked the order to the two men in the room even though the girl wasn’t fighting him. Both men looked at each other before their gazes jerked back to him. Taking off their suit jackets, followed by their tops, they didn’t protest further. Before reaching the bed, they were both naked, knowing things were going to get messy, as they always did.
He sighed, seeing the three of them on the big bed. He could pretend again. He was good at pretending. Slowly, methodically, he took his own clothes off, stalking to the bed. His guards knelt next to the girl, holding her legs open for him. Yeah, he was going to have fun. Too bad she wouldn’t be around to see the morning light.
When he did find his sister and the little plaything she took from him, he’d have some real fun because now he didn’t have anything holding him back since his father was dead.