Page 35 of My Alien Pirate

His tentacles suddenly disappeared from my body, and he took a step back causing my nipples to pebble even harder with the sudden loss of heat. "Don't stop," I begged through my panting breaths.

Zharrox flashed his white teeth at me and, if I wasn't mistaken, his extremely sharp canines had slightly lengthened. Was he an alien vampire? I decided to ignore that rabbit hole of questions for now. For now, I simply needed his body touching mine again.

My frustration was forgotten when Zharrox kicked off his large boots and his hand moved toward the front of his leather-like pants. I licked my lips and tried to slow my breathing as my eyes locked on that big four-fingered hand as it waved over the closure of his pants.

The fabric magically peeled back highlighting the V of his hips to expose a double ridgeline of dark purple bioluminescent nodules where his cock should be. The lights pulsed slowly, languidly, like it was an effort to turn off and on. Just before the leather hit the ground at his feet, I saw the middle of the ridge part, just a little, and something almost black poking out.

"Do you like what you see, little zixxit? It is not too strange for you?" His hand trailed over the hard ridges of his lower abdominal muscles, fingers just brushing the top of the ridges surrounding that opening that continued to widen.

I licked my suddenly dry lips. "Ummm…no?" I purposely avoided looking up into Zharrox's eyes when a sound that translated as a chuckle came from him. The sound vibrated in my chest even though we remained several steps apart.

"I want to see you too, my k'thiri," Zharrox rumbled.

Dragging my eyes from my fascinated focus on that vertical ridge at the base of his muscular belly, I found him standing with his arms crossed over his chest which seemed even broader over his lean, bared hips. His lips quirked in an amused grin, while his kaleidoscope eyes raked up and down my half-naked body.

"You want…"

Two tentacles wrapped around my hips and settled their grip on my ass before I was pulled closer to him again. I stumbled to a stop directly in front of his deep purple chest. The tip of anotherone of his dexterous appendages dipped below the waistband of my pants and circled my waist. My breath hitched at the light touch on the sensitive skin on my belly.

"This is what you want, yes?" Zharrox whispered in my ear. I wondered if his breath had left him as well and a whisper was all he could manage.

"Yes." The word was breathy and soft.

His tentacles hit the button on the front of my pants that opened the closure there and wiggled the tips of his tentacles into the material, sliding it from my hips. My breath hitched and my palms ran up the ridges on his sides causing the lit nodes there to flare bright and speed up. As I continued to explore the valleys and sharp ridges of his body, an intoxicating scent assailed my nose and when I dropped my gaze to follow the smell.

To my shock, two thin ropes of purple flesh escaped the now fully open pouch and reached toward me. My eyes widened and I started to lean back away from this new physical surprise but then I saw what they were unraveling from. This must be what he called his praxir—or what I'd call a huge cock.

At least that's what I thought it was. It was like nothing else I had ever seen with spiral ridges that flowed down his entire, very considerable length and where this third set of smaller tentacles must live when not in use. The wide head was a deep purple, not unexpectedly, but its cap was adorned with small, anemone-like structures that moved erratically as if searching for their next meal.

That was intriguing enough to the tiny portion of my science brain that was still functional, but I lost all logical thought when the skin covered in the cilia structures slowly peeled back to reveal the large head that widened as it came out of hiding. Five small suction cups that matched the bigger ones I had experienced earlier formed a circle at the end and pulsed openand closed as I watched. I swallowed trying not to panic over the width of his head or all the writhing and sucking parts that made up his praxir.

An "oh, my" escaped my lips as I watched, enthralled, as his cock swelled even more—the sea anemone head engorged further and began to weep a black, iridescent fluid. The scent intensified and I found myself licking my lips, suddenly desperate to taste that shiny liquid on my tongue and have those writhing appendages tickle my mouth.

Before I could pull away to investigate further, Zharrox's newly emerged tentacles sprang into action. One curled around my thigh, gently guiding my leg to encircle his hip. Another tendril caressed the small of my back, steadying me as his hands cupped the lobes of my ass and lifted me effortlessly. With a sudden, fluid motion, he lifted me, his tentacles supporting my weight as he carried me to the bed

"Mmmm, your scent consumes me. I cannot wait to find out what you hide under these clothes." Zharrox's voice was barely recognizable through my translator. It was deep and hard, the device losing many of his deep vibrating sounds in translation.

The next thing I knew, I was naked, splayed out before him on the bed like an experiment. His eyes followed his exploring hands from my neck to my toes. I writhed under his intense gaze needing more—more of his mouth, more of his touch, and definitely more of that fascinating praxir.

As if hearing my silent plea, all his appendages roamed over my body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, exploring places I hadn't known could feel such pleasure. The sensation was almost overwhelming but I still wanted more.

"Zharrox," I moaned as I found purchase on the frills over his ears and pulled him up to my needy mouth. He worked his way up my body and took my mouth, his clever tongue engaging mine again. My pussy quivered at the thought of what thattongue could do if he used it just right. My sex suddenly clenched as an orgasm unexpectedly overcame me.

I cried out and could feel the sudden slickness at the apex of my thighs where his hard abdominal muscles rocked against me.

Zharrox's answering growl reverberated to my very core. "By all the stars, little one. I cannot maintain my control with your sounds and scents surrounding me."

His forehead rested against my shoulder where he breathed heavily, trying to gather himself. I responded with my own groan, embarrassment that he could smell my arousal quickly diminishing. His tentacles, all six of them, tightened around me, pulling me even closer, until we were practically one flesh. Unrecognizable touches and vibrations overwhelmed my slick folds and my lungs had trouble expanding--but I couldn't find the will to care.

Zharrox finally pushed up on his elbows, his appendages unraveling from me. The cool fabric of the blanket on the bed contrasted sharply with the heat radiating from his body, adding another layer to the pleasure my flesh was already consumed with. The sensation of his scales against my skin was electric, and I arched into him, needing more.

His eyes never left min mine as he spoke again in his low vibrating voice. "Nova, I must taste you, my little zixxit. Is that something your kind does?"

I could feel the heat rush to my face with the direct question. "Umm…yes?" I hated the small quiver that found its way into my voice. "Sometimes."

"Thank the moons!" With a growl of approval, he captured my mouth in another searing kiss, his hands and tentacles returning to their exploration as he began a slow descent down my body. The room seemed to spin around us, the only reality the feel of his body against mine, the taste of his kiss, the sound of our mingled breaths.

His forked tongue traced a path down my neck, sending shivers of pleasure through me, and his hands cupped my breasts, the rough texture of his thumbs brushing over my nipples. I gasped at the sensation, arching into his touch. He growled, his ridges pulsing with a deep, molten red. "I enjoy all the sounds you make, doctor. Our females are not so vocal."