Page 24 of My Alien Pirate

I swallowed and tried to smile back. Zharrox's deep-set eyes shone with different colors and seemed to bore into me. I looked away, at a loss for how to respond. "Um, no, not at all. It was really fascinating."

Fortunately, Grixxa changed the topic once more. "So, have you thought any more about what you'd like to do on the ship? You're welcome to help in the labs if you'd like. We have several ongoing projects you might find interesting."

"Yes, whatever I can do, I'd love to assist. Especially if it could help me understand your technology, perhaps contribute something useful."

"That's fantastic news!" Grixxa beamed, her ridges flashing brightly. "I'll arrange it immediately. You can start tomorrow. And you'll have full access to the labs and libraries. There's so much to explore."

"Don't forget you owe us time with Daz in the med lab as well." Zharrox's voice was gruff and I shot a confused glance his way.

I bit my lip. He was obviously still upset with me over something. "Yes, of course. I'm looking forward to it."

We spent several more cycles in the mess hall, chatting about our respective planets and the work we did. I learned that most of Zharrox's crew fulfilled multiple roles. Grixxa was the ship's second-in-command and also filled the role of communications officer. Jorixx was head engineer, head science officer, and a scavenger/inventor extraordinaire, Lyra, chief navigator and Zharrox, of course, was the captain.

"So, you're the big boss," I said, trying to lighten the vibes between us again.

He tilted his head, his scales flashing a subtle green. "Big boss?"

"The person, uh, being in charge of everything," I clarified.

"Heisincredibly bossy," Grixxa added playfully, bumping his arm with hers.

Zharrox let out an amused huff, his ridges pulsing with what looked like affection. "Someone has to keep this crew in line." He turned to me. "But yes, I'm responsible for the overall command and strategy. Though Grixxa and Jorixx handle many of the day-to-day operations."

I nodded, taking in this new information. So, Zharrox was the top dog, the ultimate decision-maker. No wonder he'd seemed so authoritative when we'd first met.

As the mess hall began to empty around us, Zharrox stood up. "Well, it's been a long day for you, Nova. We should let you rest."

I stood up as well, suddenly feeling very aware of how tired my body was. The events of the past few cycles had been exhausting, both mentally and emotionally. "Yes, you're right. Thank you both for... everything." I paused, wanting to convey my gratitude properly. "This has been... incredibly kind of you. Especially after what you must think of me—a strange intruder from another world."

Grixxa's eyes widened, and she shook her head. "You're not an intruder, Nova. Far from it. We're just happy to have found you. And who knows, maybe your presence here is fate. A chance for our worlds to connect in a way they never have before."

Her words sent a shiver down my spine, and I looked between my alien companions, feeling a sense of belonging I hadn't anticipated. "Thank you," I said sincerely. "For everything. Really."

Zharrox inclined his head in a small bow, and I noticed the stiffness had left his manner. "You're welcome, Dr. Chen. May I walk you back to your quarters?"

"I would appreciate that." I wanted to roll my eyes at myself for the breathy way the answer left my lips. "I'm afraid I'd never find my way back on my own."

As we left the mess hall and made our way back through the twisting corridors, I saw Grixxa's eyes bouncing back and forth between us as we walked down the corridor side by side. When we came to a cross corridor, she stopped. "I'll leave you two here. I'll come get you at six chimes if that is okay, Nova?"

"Yes, that's fine," I answered, not wanting to admit I had no idea how to tell time here.

"Captain," she said, her voice low. "I will see you on the bridge."

"Yes, thank you, Grixxa," the large male answered distractedly, his gaze never leaving me.

Too soon, we reached my quarters, and I turned to say goodnight. "Um, well, thank you for getting me back here safely."Way to go, Nova. Now you sound like you don't think his ship is safe!

"Happy to do it." The big male placed a hand on the wall over my head, his muscular chest so close I could touch him with my lips if I leaned forward just a little...

My mouth went dry, and I licked my lips. "I - I should have asked," I stuttered. "How do I know what time Grixxa will pick me up? Do you have clocks or some kind of time announcement system?" I desperately wanted to give myself a face palm. I was such a dork.

He chuckled, his warm breath heating the top of my head. "Yes, little zixxit. Would you like me to show you?"

"Please." I turned to my door quickly hiding my reddening face, slapping my palm against the reader to open my door as I'd watched the others do.

I'd thought the space large for spaceship quarters, but it suddenly became much smaller when Zharrox entered.

The door swished shut behind me, and I took a seat on the edge of the soft, organic bed. After showing me the appropriate sequence of lights to push to set an alarm of sorts, I fumbled for something to say.