My eyes widened at that. "You knew? You foresaw this happening?"
The priestess nodded sagely. "The patterns have long foretold of a great boon for our people, a fabled "alien treasure" who would enrich the mate who claimed her beyond our most feverish dreams." She cocked her head slightly. "You've stumbled onto the prophesied truth—your human is the one."
"But how is it possible?" I asked, my tentacles curling with anxiety. "She's not even Xialith. She's…human."
"Ah, yes. Human." Zalira's eyes sparkled. "A fascinating species. Did you know they're one of the few races capable of forming deep emotional bonds with almost any sentient being? Their capacity for love is...remarkable."
She reached out with one of her tentacles, touching my forehead gently. Images flooded my mind: Nova's smile, her eyes, the warmth of her touch. But more than that, I felt something deeper, a connection that pulsed like a living thing between us.
"The bond has already begun to form," Zalira explained, withdrawing her tentacle. "Your souls recognize each other, even if your minds do not yet understand."
My thoughts spun wildly at her words. A fabled alien treasure? Nova was supposed to bring me...wealth and power? "But how? What did the prophecy say exactly?"
Zalira's milky eyes narrowed. "You dare to demand the secrets of the ancients from me, child? I am not some common seer to be interrogated!"
I held up my hands placatingly and bowed my head though I knew she couldn't see me. At least not with her eyes. "Please, I only wish to understand what I've stumbled into."
The priestess glared a moment more before settling back onto her cushion, irritation fading as she delved into the ancient lore. "Very well. The old tales speak of an alien species from another dimension, an otherworldly being, arriving through a rift in the cosmos itself. This 'alien treasure' would possess unimaginable wealth - cultural riches, scientific wonders, technological marvels beyond our wildest dreams."
Her milky eyes seemed to stare through me. "And this great treasure would be inextricably bound to the soul of its Xailith mate through the mystic bonds of fate itself. Sharing its bountywith our people, while unlocking secrets of the ancients for those pure of heart."
I felt my mouth go dry as profound implications washed over me. If Nova truly was this fabled alien treasure...the riches her people could provide were incomprehensible. New technologies, new sciences, an entire civilization's troves of knowledge and culture. It could uplift my people beyond measure, set us amongst the stellar powers! But Nova was alone. Most of her tech destroyed or more primitive than our own. It didn't make sense.
And yet, part of me was glad for it. I felt a sudden spike of protective possessiveness. Nova was not merely some treasure to be hoarded and mined. She was my mate, my destined partner, our souls eternally entwined. To think of using her in such a way felt...disturbingly wrong.
Zalira seemed to read my conflict. "I can see the wheels turning in your simple mind. Calm yourself, child - the augurs were clear that the alien treasure's gifts would only be unlocked by the purest of intentions. To claim her bounty through deceit or ill-intent would only court disaster."
I frowned, still uneasy. "But Nova is not some possession to be harvested for profit. She is a living, intelligent being. With rights and freedoms of her own. We cannot simply take from her as we please."
Even as I said the words, I remembered my determination to sell the little alien to the highest bidder only a short time ago. Would those intentions block me from completing the bond? I was a pirate. I stole for a living. How would the universe reconcile my past?
The priestess cackled dryly. "Of course not. That's where the mating bond comes in, is it not?" She fixed me with a pointed look. "She is your destined soulmate, your spiritual partner through the great cosmic weave. Her wants and needs are asyours. Her joys and pains, yours to share. To claim her 'treasure' is no theft, but simply two souls providing for their joined path."
As Zalira spoke, I felt the truth of her words resonate deep within me. To unlock the limitless bounty Nova's people could provide, all I needed to do is welcome her entirely into my life and embrace the profundity of what we would share. Our fates were sealed, our futures inexplicably entwined across the stars themselves. If I gave her my unreserved love and devotion, she would want for nothing...and provide me with everything.
I felt a great swell of tenderness and affection for the brave little alien who had already suffered so much. She was more than my soulmate - she was my whole world now, the very cosmos made flesh. And I would move the celestial heavens themselves to keep her safe, to provide her the caring and comfort her soul craved.
Zalira seemed to read the determination blooming across my features. "Ah, I see you've found the true path. Good." She pointed a gnarled finger at me. "This bond is not to be taken lightly, child. To be Life Mates is to share every joy and anguish, to feel the other's deepest yearnings and fears as your own. Your very essences will merge and mingle over time."
The wizened priestess cocked her head. "Are you prepared to sacrifice your own identity, your own desires and needs, for the sake of such a profound union? Can you let your soul entwine so completely with another's after living your whole life sundered?"
I didn't hesitate. "For Nova...I can do anything."
Zalira snorted sourly. "Well, aren't you the romantic. We'll see how flowery your words remain once the fires of bonding take true hold." She settled back with a weary sigh. "So be it. I'll guide you through the rituals and lend what insight I can. But be warned - your lives are now set on an inexorable course from which there can be no turning back. You'd best steel your resolve, child - the age of your independence is over."
My only response was a firm nod of acceptance. Now, I just prayed my brave little alien would see our bond the same way and be not just willing, but eager to join our souls completely. If we could overcome that one final barrier, then nothing would stand between us and a destiny grander than I could ever have imagined.
She leaned forward, her eyes capturing mine with an intensity that made my breath catch. "You must be certain, Zharrox. Not just of your feelings, but of your ability to protect and nurture this bond. To cherish it, even when it's difficult. To fight for it, even when others may not understand."
"I will," I promised, my voice firm with conviction.
Zalira smiled, her rings chiming softly. "Then go to her. Begin the process of understanding each other. Let the bond guide you, but do not rush it. Remember, the strongest bonds are those that develop naturally, like stars forming in the cosmic dance."
The ancient priestess regarded me silently for a long moment before gesturing sharply. "Very well then. When you are ready, bring your mate to me and we will conduct the rituals."
As we stood to leave, Zalira called out one last time. "And Zharrox? Remember that love, true love, transcends all barriers - even those of species and space. Trust in that. And, youngling, pray the universe sees fit to have mercy upon your joined souls..."