Sid just stared at me, his expression unconcerned, but serious. “Bridget, what you see at five is going to scare you. I’m not sure if that’ll make you run towards me, or away from me. But either way, I’m in.”
I stared at him like he was crazy.“Inwhat?”
“I know what you’re really looking for,” he said, and he did smile this time. “You wouldn’t be my first. I’m sayingyes.”
“Yes, to fucking what, Sid? And if you vague-post this one, I’m leaving and not coming back.”
“No, you aren’t, because you’re half-scared and half-fascinated now, so it’ll drive you crazy until you find out whether I’m full of shit or not, but don’t worry, I’m not going to make you wait. I know that you want to behunted.And I can tell you that, yes, it will make you feel alive. Maybe even alive enough that you don’t want to die anymore. It’s something I only do on the side, but I’m saying… yes.”
I looked at that jawline again and those broad shoulders. He didn’t look as big as Cain had—or maybe it was just the clothes. Black was slimming after all. And all this unrelenting black was deceiving to the eye, especially in this dim lighting.
I didn’t think he was Cain.
But what if he was?
What if this was part of the hunt?
I swallowed hard, my heart beginning to patter faster.
“I haven’t asked a question,” I croaked, way too late.
Sid smirked. “Sure.”
“I just came to see what you’re doing here, and why Valerie is keeping you around.”
“Then come back in about an hour and get that question answered. Or… Stay after the show and I’ll answeranyquestion you have.”
He dropped his chin until he was staring at me out from under heavy brows, and his smile was dazzling—and terrifying—in this half-light. It made a shiver skitter down my spine. The genuine jolt of adrenaline made me have to fight a smile of my own. But I did it because I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.
“Cool your jets, Sparky,” I said, trying to sound like I thought he was nuts. “You don’t know everything you think you do. I’ll see you in an hour, though.”
“Yes, you will.”
I turned away and stalked back to the door, each step just a little faster than the one before.
And I kind of hated myself, but I passed on the message that the girls had been turned away, and the guy was to go in and talk to Sid.
David nodded and asked me if I was coming back for the session.
“Yeah,” I said, my palms beginning to sweat, though I couldn’t exactly have said why. “I think I am.”
“Great! See you in an hour then.”
And then I fled to the bar to get a drink and maybe watch someone have sex in one of the alcoves with those little windows because I needed to keep my brain busy until then.
What you see at five is going to scare you…
I fucking hoped so. Otherwise it was going to be the biggest anti-climax since Cain disappeared.
And I didn’t think I could handle another one.
25. The Conductor
SOUNDTRACK:All by Myselfby Lexxi Saal
I sat at the back of Sid’s little theater, unmoving, jaw slack, my mind racing.