ME: Do those include chasing me and railing me against a tree? Because I’m up for that.
CAIN: Such a flirt. Patience.
ME: I don’t have time for patience. Imminent death, remember?
He didn’t answer that one right away and I was frustrated. Because Iwantedhim. I’d known this whole game would turn me on, but I hadn’t ever had a dream that graphic and…hotbefore.
ME: Suddenly shy about the death part?
CAIN: No. Working. You aren’t the only thing in my life, Princess.
ME: Apparently not. You have my phone as well. Why?
CAIN: I needed to do some research. Don’t worry, you’ll get it back.
ME: Next time, just ask. You don’t have to steal. I’ll let you have anything you want.
CAIN: Temptress. Is that a challenge?
ME: Try me.
CAIN: I plan to.
ME: I look forward to it.
CAIN: You need therapy.
ME: You are my therapy.
CAIN: Well then. You’re fucked.
ME: I hope so.
ME: Now come get me.
ME: Please?
ME: You like it when I beg, don’t you?
ME: Cain, where are you?
ME: Anything. I’ll give you anything. All you have to do is show up.
ME: God, you’re annoying.
ME: Also hot.
CAIN: Not as hot as those rotisserie chickens you’re standing next to.
I gasped and looked up from the phone, scanning the entire deli and produce section where I was shopping. I turned a full circle, but there was no one in sight that could evenmaybebe Cain.
ME: Where are you?!
CAIN: I told you. Even when you don’t see me, I see you.
ME: Well, I hope I’ll see you at the river park. That’s my next stop. For a picnic. All by myself.
ME: You’re welcome.