
There’s a particular Latin phrase that’s stuck with me for years.Pulvis et umbra sumus. Dust and shadow. The Latin phrase doesn’t just describe life’s fleeting nature—it defines mine. Where I should have turned to dust, I became a shadow instead.

I stay still as the doctor checks my vitals. She’s quiet, singularly focused on her task, but I know that can’t last. Once she’s done, she finally looks into my eyes. Hers are a dull green color, like moss.

“Okay, now that we’re done with your vitals, it’s time to get naked,” she says excitedly.

I roll my eyes. “Every time, Queens.”

“Can you blame me? Those abs are my monthly motivation,” Carly says, grinning as she presses a hand to her chest in mock awe.

“That’s sad, considering you have a boyfriend. Quit objectifying me.”

“No.” She grins innocently.

Still, I hop off the examination table dutifully, already working on the buttons of my shirt. She smiles at me before leading me out of the examination room and into the hospital’s hallway. Her blonde ponytail swishes behind her with every step she takes, her heels clacking against the floor.

Each step echoes too loudly in my ears. My eyes scan every passing face, cataloging features, searching for even the faintest flicker of recognition. Shadows move where they shouldn’t.

I’m simply walking down the hallway with a doctor at my side. We’re not doing anything out of the ordinary. And yet, the feeling that I’m being watched is impossible to throw off.

It takes only a couple of minutes to reach the radiography room.

Carly walks in first and I stay beside the door, close enough to listen as she tells the two other people in the room that they need to leave. The technician uselessly puts up a fight, questioning what the big secret is and why they can’t see the patient. Like he does every single month.

“Because he’s asked that his identity remain a secret, Richard. Now beat it before I smack you upside your head,” Carly tells him.

The technician grunts in annoyance but a second later, I hear the sound of another door in the room being opened. Once I ascertain they’re gone, I walk into the room, taking off my clothes in the process.

“Is Richard going to be a problem?” I ask, removing my glasses before taking out my contacts.

It’s kind of a double authentication. To make me unrecognizable. Different color eyes when I’m walking through the hallways. Glasses. It’s a simple disguise, but it does the job well enough.

For someone who was so intent on ‘objectifying’ me, Carly doesn’t even turn around to look at me as I strip completely before reaching for one of the hospital gowns and putting it on.

“Richard isn’t a problem for you to worry about. I can handle it,” Carly replies, her gaze fixed on the machine. “He’s being kicked out of here every couple of months because of a patient he’s not allowed to meet. Of course he’s offended and a little curious.”

Her tone has a self-assured, matter-of-fact quality. That’s Carly Queens. I’ve always said that trusting nature will land her in trouble one day. She doesn’t know everything, although she likes to think she does.

“Now, get in,” she says, pointing at the machine behind the glass. “You know the drill.”

I nod, opening the door and doing as she said. I lay on the cool, flat surface of the MRI machine, the faint hum surrounding me. I position myself, having done this so many times over the past few years. I don’t need anyone to tell me to lay still, and after a few moments, the machine whirs to life and the rhythmic thumping begins.

I close my eyes, focusing on the looming sound. After about ten minutes, the machine finally stops, and I hear Carly’s voice again.

“All done,” she says, helping me to sit up.

“What’s it looking like?”

Carly purses her lips, her eyes flashing with disappointment. “You know, you can’t keep asking me like that every time.”

“Like what?” I ask dryly.

“Like you’re expecting bad news. It’s been years since your surgery, Dom. Your heart is fine.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Are you saying that as my doctor, or is it just wishful thinking?”