Page 75 of The Rook

Not before she got word to Pyre.

“I cannot do what you ask,” she replied, shaking her head emphatically. “Either come with me or drag me back.”

For a moment, his face tightened, and then he closed his eyes. “So be it,” he muttered, waving his hand. Four soldiers darted in, wrestled her sword from her grasp, and grabbed her by the arms. They hauled Tempest to her feet, and she fought, biting, kicking, and clawing.

She spat at Levka, her glob of saliva hitting him in cheek. He lifted his hand to his face, not taking his eyes from hers and wiped the spit away. His gaze strayed over her shoulder for a moment, just before a rumbling began, getting closer and closer until the noise was deafening.

The hair at the nape of her neck rose, and she craned her neck to look over her shoulder.

“A bear!” one of the soldiers cried, trying and failing to get out of the way when the monstrously huge creature bowled through the soldiers like they were toys. The soldiers released her as the bear approached and roared, its huge teeth longer than any of their fingers. Men scattered, their fear almost palpable, but she didn’t move. A smile curled her lips, and she began to chuckle, so relieved to see a familiar face.

“About time you showed up, Briggs.” She coughed, too full of adrenaline to care about the blood that wet her lips. Somehow, she must have hit her face.

Then another dark and furry shape joined Briggs, smaller than the bear but no less intimidating.

A wolf—Brine.

Relief washed over Tempest as the two shifters made quick work of the surrounding soldiers—except Levka—whose cries turned guttural as they either fled or were cut down by vicious teeth and claws.

Goosebumps rippled over her body when Brine released a haunting howl that echoed around them.

“You were almost too late!” Levka barked, his hand touching her shoulder.

Brine gave him a look with his sharp, amber eyes and let out half a snarl. It was a simplistic enough sound that Tempest took to mean,You’re lucky we showed up at all.

She glared at Levka and shook him off. He was part of this too? Tempest struggled to her feet, ignoring his hand as she retrieved her dagger and sword from the cobblestones. Did no one among her family or friends know how to tell the bloody truth?

“Tempest,” Levka began.

She held a hand up. “Don’t.”Her attention turned to the wolf. “Brine!” she said, and the wolf snarled at her. “It’s nice to see you too.” She limped toward the formidable shifter and threw her arms around his powerful shoulders and buried her face in his midnight fur. “Thank you,” she whispered.

He whined and leaned his wolf head against her own. Her fingers sank into his fur, and she breathed in his smoky scent. More soldiers would be coming, she knew, so they had to move. A mammoth nose pressed against her right arm, and she lifted her head to stare into Briggs’s dark-brown bear eyes. She didn’t hesitate to press a kiss to his snout before standing.

“You need to go before more soldiers arrive,” Levka urged.

She rose to her feet and stared at the two shifters. With a sharp nip at her wrist, Brine indicated for Tempest to climb onto the back of Briggs.

“I appreciate what you’ve done but I can’t leave yet,” she said, and Briggs growled and slapped the ground with his huge paw. “I was only coming to relay information. I’ve gained an ally for the Jester.”

Brine pressed closer, his eyes focused on her.

“The Hounds.Allof them.”

Briggs’s maw dropped open, revealing all his terrifying teeth.

Her adrenaline began to wane, and it was difficult to fully control her bloody, shaking hands. “I only wish thisinformation to be passed onto the Jester. He has a week to reply.”

Brine dropped his muzzle to the ground as if he was bowing.

“They need to go, now,” Levka gritted out, stalking closer. “We don’t have much time.” He inclined his chin at Briggs. “Make it look good, huh?”

Tempest squeaked when Briggs sliced his claws against Levka’s arms and chest, knocking the man over.

Levka moaned. “Sweet poison, that hurts.”

“Do you make it a habit of yours to get as close to death as you can?” Brine growled, surprising Tempest. She blinked and glanced away from his naked human form.

She grimaced. “But I didn’t actuallydie, did I? I’m just a little banged up.”