Page 58 of The Rook

“Now Iknowyou haven’t slept well.” Pyre laughed. “You are not normally so forward with your admiration of my body.”

“I’m not staring.” She broke her gaze from his scars and shot him a rude gesture that she’d seen Maxim use.

“Naughty.” He grinned over his shoulder. “What, too tired for banter?”

Her lips pursed. His easy flirtations weren’t what she expected. They were definitely at odds with their last few interactions. What was his game here? Was he trying to mess with her head? Because it was working.“I… don’t feel good.”

“Oh?” His brows slashed together.

“It’s nothing.” She meandered farther into the room. “You’re in a good mood?”

“There’s no reason not to be,” Pyre replied.

“All done,” Nyx chimed.

He picked up a plain cotton shirt from the chair near the fire and slid it over his broad shoulders—shoulders that Tempest was desperately trying not to notice. What was her problem? She’d grown up with men—seen naked males of all sorts and sizes—and yet somehow the kitsune affected her.Figures.

“The masquerade is coming up; all the factions are coming… and I have my Hound by my side. Or has that changed?” He paused, arching a brow. “Have you betrayed me in your time away?

She scowled, even as her pulse sped up. “I haven’t made plans to unleash the Hounds on you, Pyre.Yet.”

He laughed easily at her threat, waving a negligent hand. As if Tempest herself was insignificant. Did he have any idea what would happen to him if she unleased Madrid upon his mountain palace? If she made another deal with Damien, he had the ability to lead all the Hounds in.

Pyre frowned and sauntered up to her. Tempest backed up,pressing against the wall as he invaded her space and leaned into her, inhaling heavily near her temple. “You’re not well.”

She wedged her hands between their bodies, her fingers meeting warm skin. Her stomach flipped, and Tempest shoved him away. “Stop with the sniffing.”

“Nyx,” Pyre barked. “She’s not well.”

“I’m fine,” she argued. “It’s just been a few long days.”

The kitsune scowled, buttoning his shirt. “So why were you looking for me?” He ran his hands through his hair, pushing the deep wine-colored strands from his face. He flashed a grin Tempest’s way. “I gather it wasn’t to appreciate my good looks?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Tempest said, edging toward the door. “I think I’m going to take your advice and get some more sleep.” Slipping from the room, her shoulders sagged, and she staggered down the hallway. Gone were any lingering obligations she felt to tell Pyre about her engagement to King Destin.

Let him find out like everyone else—as secondhand news. Let himdiscover just what insignificant feels like.

She squinted,her body aching.

“Shhhh… Go back to sleep,” Briggs rumbled.

“What?” she whispered through parched lips.

“You’ve been running a fever,” Pyre’s familiar voice answered. She turned her head slightly. The kitsune sat on her bed, running his fingers through her sweaty hair. Tempest pressed her cheek against his cool hand.

“So hot.”

“I know, love,” he crooned. “Briggs and Nyx made you a tincture to help, but I need you to drink it.”

Anything to get the pounding in her head to go away. Briggs handed Pyre a cup, and she sighed when he slipped his cool hand beneath her neck, cradling her head. He held the draught to her lips.

“It’s nasty, but you need to drink it,” Briggs admonished.

Tempest gulped the concoction and gagged. Her eyes watered, and her stomach rebelled. She was so bloody hot. Kicking at the covers, she sighed when cold air hit her bare skin. A growl sounded, and the blankets once again covered her flushed body.

“No,” she moaned. “Too hot.”

“I know, love. I know. But you don’t want to show Briggs your naked body, do you?”