Page 3 of The Wolf

She gasped for air and oriented herself. She wasn’t far from the bank. Leaning her head against the rock, she took several deep calming breaths. She could do this.

Scarlet released her rock and struggled toward the shore. Her bare feet touched sand and she slogged to the bank, falling on her hands and knees. The hair at the nape of her neck rose and she stiffened. Glancing over her shoulder, Scarlet spotted Tarros perched on top of a rock not too far away. Why would he not go away?

She scanned the other rocks. If he played his cards right, he’d be able to leap to the shore.

Tarros grinned and pointed a clawed finger at her. “I’m coming for you.”

Scarlet ripped the bottom of her dress away and got to her feet, running through the last bit of water. Her feet touched forest floor and she made it four steps before Tarros knocked her to the ground. She spun onto her back, yanking a garrote from her bracelet.

A green blur launched from the trees and knocked Tarros down. Scarlet scuttled backward on her hands and feet, blinking the water out of her eyes.

Was that a man?

Said man grabbed Tarros by the throat and lifted him like he was a twig. He gave the wolf a good shake, his green scales shimmering in the fading light.

“You think to harm a female? Have you no honor?” the shifter hissed. He slammed Tarros against the nearest tree, rendering him unconscious. The shifter dropped the wolf to the bank of the river and gave him a good kick in the ribs.

Scarlet trembled as she clutched her garrote to her chest. She stood silently and took one step back, her eyes glued to the shifter’s back.

“Are you alright?” he asked, not looking in her direction, placing his hands on his hips.

She nodded, then cleared her throat when she realized he couldn’t see her. “Yes,” she rasped.

“You shouldn’t be out here by yourself.”

“You and I both agree on that.” Was he a snake shifter?

He inhaled deeply. “You’re from the town near here?”


“You’re one of Old Mother’s?”

She gritted her teeth and forced out another, “Yes.”

“Perfect.” The shifter faced her, his shocking emerald eyes locking on her. “I’m looking for a man. He calls himself the sheriff. Have you heard of him?”

Oh, how Scarlet wished she hadn’t. He made her skin want to crawl. “Why do you want to know?”

The shifter grinned, flashing two wicked-looking fangs. “That is my business.”

“I don’t make it a habit to speak to strangers.” Her stepmother had punished her for just looking in a stranger’s direction in the past.

“We’re not strangers any longer. I just saved your life.”

Her attention darted to Tarros. But for how long? He’d be even more merciless after today. The shifter followed her gaze.

“I can make him disappear.”

Scarlet blinked. “What?”

“You heard me, lovely. I can make the big, bad wolf disappear.”

“Forever?” she whispered.

“Indeed. Just tell me what I need to know.”

She stared hard at Tarros. It would be so easy to say yes, but did that make her any better than her stepmother? The shifter was clearly speaking about killing the wolf. “No, it wouldn’t be right.” The words were difficult to say.