Scarlet struggled to keep her emotions in check as she spotted the river. Wolves were sensitive beings when it came to scents. If Tarros scented her fear, it would all be over. Scarlet reached the river’s edge and waded in slowly, the frigid water biting at her skin. She bent low as if looking for pretty stones and caught a flash of red fur from her right.
Time to move.
She launched herself into the deeper water just as a growl ripped through the air. Scarlet pumped her legs and arms as fast as she could through the icy river, her long cloak dragging behind her.
Almost to the boulder.
“Not so fast, little rabbit,” Tarros crooned from behind her.
Scarlet glanced over her shoulder as the wolf caught the end of her cloak and yanked. She sputtered as it dug into her throat. If he got his hands on her…
Panic threatened to drown Scarlet. She tore at the clasp, ripping a few of her fingernails off. The pain barely fazed her. The clasp popped open and she swam for all she was worth, the current pulling her a little farther down before she reached the boulder. She clung to the stone, shivering in the water as she looked back at Tarros, who now held her abandoned cloak in his clawed hands.
He bared his teeth at her and growled low. “You really think that will stop me?” As quick as it came, his anger vanished, replaced by glee. Tarros lifted her cloak and ran his cheek over it, rubbing it against the rest of his body.
He’d scent marked it.
That was stupid.
Her stepmother didn’t tolerate anyone touching her possessions, which included Scarlet.
Her teeth began to chatter, and she forced her muscles to work as she clambered on top of the rock. Her breath sawed in and out of her chest as she watched the deranged wolf smile back at her.
He draped her cloak over his shoulder. “So this is how it’s going to be?”
Scarlet just stared back at him. He wanted her to fight, to fear him. She’d give him neither.
“Cat got your tongue?” He cocked his head, eyes narrowing. “You think you’re something special because you were the daughter of the duke? You think you’re too good for a Talagan male?”
This was the special side of Tarros that he kept hidden from everyone but the women he accosted. His father was one of Old Mother’s betas, and that’s why he got away with his crimes.
She methodically wrung out her simple dress while watching the wolf study her. He slogged out of the water and paced the shore. Now it was a waiting game. Eventually Bright would come looking for her. The sun was setting; now the challenge would be staying warm. Scarlet wrapped her arms around her body and tucked her hands into her armpits, shivers wracking her body.
“Poor little human with no fur. Come to me and I’ll warm you right up,” Tarros heckled.
She ground her teeth and stared right over the wolf’s head like he wasn’t there. He didn’t like that. A feral snarl emerged from him and the hair along her arms rose.
Tarros tossed her cloak on the ground and crossed his arms. “Just remember I wanted to do this the easy way.”
Scarlet blinked slowly at him and watched as he disappeared into the trees. Nothing was ever that simple with him. Ice ran down her spine as he returned a few minutes later dragging a long log.
From the looks of it, the log would be able to reach her rock.
Scarlet stood on shaking legs. Tarros flashed her a triumphant smile.
“Already anticipating my arrival, Red?” he taunted.
She yanked two daggers from her sleeves and backed to the edge of the boulder as the wolf hefted the log up into the air and then down onto the boulder. Scarlet had two options. One, fight Tarros and lose. Her poison acted quickly, but not before Tarros could damage her beyond repair. Or two, jump into the river and swim for as long as she could manage.
The wolf sprinted across the log, and the vicious look on his face was enough for her to jump.
A large hand wrapped around her waist.
“NO!” she screamed, stabbing with all her might.
Tarros bellowed, released her for a second and she leapt. The wolf grabbed a handful of her dress and toppled into the water after her. The current snagged her away from him and threatened to pull her into the depths below. She fought against the panic and didn’t fight against the river. She opened her eyes under the water and reached for the nearest roots, her lungs burning. They slipped between her fingers a moment before she slammed into a rock. Her ribs screamed and she dropped her daggers. Scarlet clung to the boulder despite the pain, breaking the surface.