“See to it, Gustav, or I won’t be accountable for my actions.”
She watched the handsome duke storm from the room and pursed her lips. The man was beautiful. Too bad his soul was rotted and ugly. Scarlet turned her attention back to the sheriff.
Now the games began.
The sheriff rounded the war table and scanned the room filled with wolves and guards. While the duke was dangerous in his own right, it was the sheriff she was wary of. He was like a serpent waiting to strike.
“We have the Hood’s men and yet we’ve gained no more information on who he is.” The sheriff’s gaze landed on her and she repressed a shiver. “What say you, o’ famed daughter of Old Mother? Have your interrogations yielded no results?” He gave her a nasty smile. “Or do you need a man to do your job?”
She pushed away from the wall and glided forward, her mask firmly in place. The sheriff thought he was something special by insulting her, but she’d heard it a thousand times. His barbs wouldn’t penetrate her tough skin.
Scarlet pulled the dagger from the belt at her waist and tossed it onto the table.
“What is this?”
She nodded at it. “Pick it up.”
The sheriff lifted it from the table and eyed the knife. “What of it?”
Scarlet arched a brow. “Can you not see it?”
He glared at her. “Out with it.”
“It’s a woman’s weapon.”
The sheriff scoffed. “It looks like any other blade.”
“Except for the size of the handle. It’s smaller than what you use. It’s meant for someone with petite hands.”
“You think the Hood is employing women?” The sheriff laughed. His guards snickered but the wolves were silent. They knew better than to insult the female sex. Their alpha was more powerful than most men in the kingdom.
Scarlet smiled coldly. “It’s possible, but I have a theory of who the Hood is.”
“Do share.”
“Do you know much about dragons?”
“Good.” She cocked her head. “Then you know that dragons are fiercely protective of those under their care and of their mates. When we set our trap, that dragon had ample opportunity to lay waste to you and your men. Yet he scooped the Hood up and disappeared.” It shamed her but there was something satisfying about being a touch cruel and putting these men in their place.
“He?” the sheriff asked softly. “How do you know it was male?”
“The size and horns.” Scarlet blinked slowly. “But I think you know this already. You recognized the beast. It’s why you drew back.”
His face turned red. “It was a tactical retreat.”
“If you say so,” she murmured softly. He was a bloody liar and they both knew it. The dragon had been coming for him. Somehow the sheriff knew the dragon and yet he was hiding the knowledge from everyone. Why?
“Do you have a point?” he sneered.
“That your Hood, the thief, is awoman.”
She’d made a mistake.