Page 1 of Grave Intentions




I’m sitting on the bench outside my school, waiting for my mom and dad to pick me up. All my friends have already gone home, but that’s okay because my parents always come for me, no matter what.

Mrs. Jacobs walks over with a sad face as the last teachers leave. My tummy feels funny. I’m scared.

“Lena, sweetie, can you come inside with me for a second?” she says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I nod and follow her into the quiet school. We go to the principal’s office, and he’s looking really serious.

Mrs. Jacobs points to a chair in front of the desk. “Sit here, Lena,” she tells me.

“Lena,” the principal says softly, “I have bad news. There was an accident. Your parents were taken to the hospital.”

My heart starts racing, like when I run too fast, and my hands get sweaty. “Are they okay?” I ask, my voice shaky.

He looks at Mrs. Jacobs, and they share a look that hurts my stomach. “Lena, I’m so sorry. The accident was really bad. Your parents... they didn’t make it.”

I can’t think straight. This must be a mistake. My mom and dad would never leave me!

“No! That’s not true!” I yell, hot tears streaming down my cheeks. “You’re lying! They’re coming to get me!”

Mrs. Jacobs bends down and hugs me tight while I cry and cry. The principal looks sad, but I can’t believe what he’s telling me.

My parents can’t be gone. They promised they’d always be here. Theypromised...

Time feels like it’s moving slowly. I try to understand what’s happening. I feel so alone. Who will tuck me in at night or kiss my bumps and scrapes? Or tell me they love me?

It hurts so much like something inside me is torn apart. I wrap my arms around my knees while I sit in the chair, feeling like the world is crashing down on me.

Dead means that my mom and dad are never coming back. I’m all alone.

The principal asks, “Lena, do you have any family we can call? Aunts, uncles, grandparents?”

My eyes are all blurry with tears. “N-no, it’s just my mom and dad.” My voice is so quiet.

Mrs. Jacobs looks at the principal, and he asks, “What about your mom’s parents?”

“They died before I was born,” I whisper, holding my knees tight.

The principal sighs. “And your dad’s parents?”

I remember how my dad hadn’t talked to them since he met my mom. “My dad didn’t want to see them anymore.”

Mrs. Jacobs pats my shoulder gently. “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry.” Her eyes are full of tears, too.

The principal’s face is serious now. “That means we’ll have to call social services. They’ll need to find you a place to stay.”

My heart drops. Social services? Foster care? That’s not what I want. The thought of going away from my home, from everything I know, terrifies me. I can’t lose my mom and dad and then lose my home, too.

“No, please!” I beg, more tears coming. “I want to stay here! I don’t want to go!”

Mrs. Jacobs hugs me again, her hand running through my hair. “I know, honey. I know it’s so hard. But you need to be safe.”

The principal nods. “I’m sorry, Lena. We have to do what’s best for you.”