“Good idea,” he says. “I’m sure getting arrested for a felony is exhausting.”
Refusing to let him get under my skin this early, I bite my tongue. I pull out my eye mask and unfold one of his blankets.
He types The Grace Estate into GPS, and I focus on the mile counter:1,380 miles.
I shut my eyes and lean against the window when he pulls away.
I’ll sleep for the first two hundred miles…
Traveling I-90 East toward Spokane
The last time I took a road trip, I was in my early twenties, and my older brother and I were still best friends. It was two weeks before Christmas, and we’d decided to surprise my mother with a weekend visit.
The road miles flew by so fast it felt like we were flying, unlike now.
How the hell have we only notched fifty?
“Can we please listen to something else?” Taryn sighs from the back seat. “I’m struggling to fall asleep through this.”
“We agreed that the driver controls the radio, Taryn.”
“We also said that we wouldn't be petty.” Her eyes meet mine in the rear-view mirror.
“That went out the window when you decided to sit in the backseat.”
“Fine then.” She narrows her eyes. “But I refuse to believe you're listening to a ‘How to Stay on My Boss's Good Side’ podcast for yourself.”
“Fair enough.” I smile and switch to something else. “Hopefully you’ll like this one better.”
“Hello sweet listener,” a soft voice sifts through the speakers, “and welcome to the How to Keep Your Complaints to Yourself podcast.”
Her face reddens, and she rummages around her purse for her earbuds, but I neglect to tell her I took those out when she first dozed off.
Two hours later
Still traveling toward Spokane
Hope you’re traveling safely. I just checked into my room at The Grace Estate. Can’t wait to see you in person & start talking life…
I’m starting to think we were always meant to be.
I wait to feel a bout of butterflies, but they never flap their wings. No matter how often I try to get excited about spending my life with Cameron, I only feel confused.
He’s also the last person I want to see when I make it to Colorado.
Ignoring his messages, I pull the blanket from over my face and realize that James and I are no longer on the highway.
We’re coasting down a long backroad where hundred-foot pine trees surround us. We’re also the only car on the road.