Page 15 of The Office Games


Weeee! Weeee! Weeee!

It screams and flashes into panic mode, echoing against the concrete walls.

“No, no, no….” I press the unlock button repeatedly. “Shut up, shut up!”

I pound my fist against the steering wheel, but the alerts grow louder.

An elderly couple eyes me with suspicion as they approach a grey town car, so I smile and wave.

They don’t wave back.

“Oh my god, shut up…” I tap the dashboard. “Please, please. I have your keys. Why are you doing this to me?”

Leaning over, I open the glovebox and pull out the owner’s manual.

“Get out of the car with your hands up!” A deep voice calls out over the noise. “Put your hands up!”

What?I drop the book and look through the windshield.

Three police officers are staring at me with their weapons drawn.

“Who, whoa, whoa…” I immediately slide out of the car with my hands held up high. “This isnotwhat it looks like.”

“Looks like you’re trying to steal a car,” the one in the middle says. “Move closer and keep your hands up.”

“I’m not stealing the car,” I say. “I have the key.”

“So, when we check your license and run the plates, this car will be registered to you?”

“Uh, no…”

“When we check the insurance will you be an authorized driver?”

“No, but?—”

“You’re officially under arrest.” The officer moves toward me with cuffs. “Put your hands behind your back, Miss.”

“I swear I wasn’t stealing it, Officer.”

“You have the right to remain silent.” His voice is terse. “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

“But I know who the owner of the car is!”

“We do, too.” The metal clicks against my skin. “Not you. Let’s go.”



An hour later

I’m sitting in a freezing cold interrogation room and sipping a stale Coca Cola.

Apparently stealing a car from an airport is a felony, and even the “smartest” criminals know better than to risk going for the vehicles that sit directly under the cameras. I’ve also been told that they’re usually willing to negotiate for a lesser “breaking and entering” charge.

I can’t bear the thought of spending the holidays behind bars, though, and I’m ready to plead for mercy at any cost.