And there it was, the blush he had missed seeing. It was disturbing, the way he had found himself thinking about that blushing look on Zari’s face so many times while he had been out hunting.

Small and with a body so slim it was almost boyish, Zari would have appeared average if not for her lush, ash-blonde hair. But what he really liked about his little pet were her large gray eyes and expressive face. In all the years he had roamed the earth, and they were very many years, Alexandru had hated all things that could be described ascute...until this girl came into the picture.

With her, “cute” was synonymous to arousing and right now, she was being extremely cute with the way she lied in a straight face. “My Master is the kindest Master on earth. He is the most intelligent, the bravest, and just the very best all around.”

The entire class was silent, as if unable to decide whether Zari was being sincere or sarcastic.

Zari lowered her head in shame. She was such a major fail at becoming an ideal pet.

Alexandru slowly shifted on his feet, not wanting anyone to catch how his cock had reacted to Zari’s futile attempt to butter him up. Did she know how cute she was? Did she?

Madame Lavinia cleared her throat. “We are so honored you have found the time to visit us, Master Alexandru. Class, please give Master Alexandru a warm welcome.”

Wide-eyed, Zari watched the entire class quicklyandgracefully slide to their feet and drop to a curtsy. She hurried to do the same, not wanting to be the odd duck out...again.

“Welcome, Master Alexandru,” the entire class chorused.

“Welcome, Master Alexandru,” Zari hurried to say, but she was too late. Her Master knew it, too, judging by the amusement glinting in his green gaze.

It’s not funny, Master, she griped at him glumly.

It is. And since I find the way you make the worst human pet in the entire school entirely delightful, you should be thankful.

She glared at him.Is that supposed to make me feel better?

His smile widened.You see, pet? You should have been happy about what I told you, and yet here you are, glaring at me in front of the entire class—-

Zari jerked at Alexandru’s words, and when she looked back at the other girls, she realized that all of them were glaring at her on her Master’s behalf.

“Go and give your Master a proper welcome, dear Zari,” her teacher urged.

Before Zari could even think of what a proper welcome meant, Madame Lavinia was already pushing her forward, leaving Zari no choice but to walk towards Alexandru. She stopped when she was in front of the vampire but kept her gaze down. She needed a moment to herself because right now, all she could think about was that her Master was really indeed here.

Did you miss me, pet?

No, Master.

Alexandru chuckled in her mind.As always, the lies. You know I have to punish you for that, don’t you?

Her head snapped up, Zari ready to protest.

Alexandru took that as his cue to kiss her, his fingers curling around her nape just before his lips took hers.

Shock and embarrassment flared up inside Zari at the unexpected touch of Alexandru’s lips over hers. Oh, she should have known! She thought about struggling but decided not to, knowing that would only make her lose much-needed brownie points with her teacher. The only way she could resist then – and stay sane – was to refuse her Master entry to her mouth.

Fists clenched against her side so she wouldn’t accidentally cling to him, Zari did her best to keep her lips pressed together.

Alexandru knew Zari was doing her best to resist him, but it only made him want her more. It only made more determined to have her begging.Open your mouth, pet.

No, Master.

If you don’t open your mouth—-

Slowly, he moved his hands, settling them on her waist. Just that one simple touch and he felt her shudder. She was so beautifully responsive, and Alexandru knew he would die a happy man if she remained like that for all eternity.

Will you open your mouth now?
