Part One
Chapter One
“The best way for a Master to show his or her pet respect is to take the time to know him or her.” Zari read the words from her draft as she paced the length of their bedroom.
“You just want the whole kingdom to know about the time I forgot our anniversary,” Alexandru drawled.
“I do not—-” She stopped talking mid-sentence when she glanced at her Master. He was on his side of the bed, one leg propped up, a copy of her proposal in his hand. He was bare-chested, wearing only a pair of loose cotton pants...and glasses. Glasses?
She shook her head in confusion. “Why are you wearing glasses? You’re a vampire. You’ve got perfect eyesight.”
“You asked me to review your proposal, didn’t you?” He flashed her a devastating smile. “I thought I should look the part as your editor.” His eyes took on a knowing look. “I also thought you’d like seeing me with glasses. You do, don’t you, pet?”
Zari’s red face was his answer.
“Stop laughing, Master. It’s not that funny!”
WALKING ALONG THE EMPTYschool corridors, Alexandru enjoyed the brief respite from the obsessive attention of La Scala Legaturia’s giggling students. A hundred years back, this schoolhad been akin to hallowed grounds, a place where young ladies took their studies seriously and were intent on perfecting the art of pleasing their Masters. But now?
He shook his head, remembering the girls he had passed by at the entrance hall and the way they had simpered at him. Did they not know that vampires as old as he had no time for idiots?
Alexandru paused when he reached the back door of the last classroom. Inside, he heard the teacher, Madame Lavinia, asking for a moment of silence. “Ms. Ellen? Would you be so kind as to start today’s reporting?”
As Alexandru listened to the students report one by one, he realized that their homework was all about explaining the bond between Master and pet. His lips curved.This should be good, Alexandru thought.
Inside his mind, he tapped into the blood bond he shared withhisown pet. As usual, she remained oblivious to his presence, her full concentration directed at her nonexistent essay.
My name is Zari Baltimore. She was mentally reciting the words as she scribbled them, thus allowing him a glimpse of her thoughts.
I’m eighteen years old. My dad...
There was a pause in her thoughts, marked by a silence that was both grave and personal, andAlexandruknew his pet was wondering at that moment about her parents’ whereabouts. The last time she had seen them was right before the boating accident, one that resulted in her parents missing and Zari being abducted by trolls. That was over a month ago, and even now,with his men searching for them tirelessly, Alexandru still had no news to share.
My dad is a wildlife photographer and my mother is a wildlife journalist.
The use of present tense told him that she had decided to believe her parents were still alive. She had a tenacious will, his pet, and one he strongly approved of even if it also frustrated him at times.
My Master is Alexandru—-
The pause that followed made Alexandru lift a brow.
What was his last name anyway? Was he orphaned? Or maybe he dropped it, sort of like Prince? Maybe his real name went something like The Vampire Formerly Known as Alexandru?
Come to think of it, did vampires have any surname? Maybe they were like rockstars and popstars? Eminem, Rihanna, Pink? Maybe he even used special characters like Ke$ha?This had Zari mentally laughing her ass off.Maybe he wrote his name as @lexandru?
The thoughts wiped the smile off Alexandru’s lips completely. He was going to kill his human pet very slowly, that was for sure.
“...LASTLY, I BELIEVE THEspecial bond I share with Master Anton is because of our love for travel.”
“...I can’t think of being a pet to anyone but Master Doru. Our family has served his family for generations, and so it shall be forever and ever.”
“ Master kicks ass, and it’s my dream to follow in his footsteps and serve the ruling family of Sangre when I finish my training.”
She pretended not to hear it, hoping Madame Lavinia would take pity on her and move on the next student.
“Zari? It’s your turn now.” Madame Lavinia actually came to stand right next to her desk.