At the same time, the permanent wound over his heart blazed into life, the demon duke calling out to his Galere.
You must come at once,Silviu commanded without preamble.A situation has arisen.
How bad is it?Curving an arm around Soleil’s waist, he walked her to the balcony so she could read her message without being seen.
It turns out that you’re not the only one with two heartkeepers.
The connection closed.
When he looked at his wife, he saw that she had already heard of the same issue.
“It seems some humans are involved, and that’s why they have a need of us,” she told him worriedly.
He pressed a kiss on her forehead. “Promise to take care of yourself for me?”
“If you promise me the same thing.”
“You have my word.”
They returned to the ball, and the two other Orpheline sisters joined them.
“Do not risk your necks needlessly,” he warned them.
Fleur rolled her eyes. “Why did I even think that you would be a cool, easygoing older brother?”
“I told you he wouldn’t be,” Aurora reminded her baby sister. “However, he does offer the nicest bribes.”
The four of them made their excuses, and this time it was the marchioness’ turn to plead fatigue. When they were outside, the three sisters boarded their carriage while Ilie slipped out of view. The sisters changed into military greens inside the carriage while Ilie shifted into wolf form. The women began strapping their weapons into place while Ilie leapt into the darkness and began loping towards Brimstone.
Ma lisse?
Wait for me naked if you get home first.
You wish.
But they both knew she would.
They smiled at each other in their minds.
But when the connection closed, they pushed all thoughts of love aside.
Duty was always first, and right now the world had in need of the Galere and the Trois Belle Lames.
The End