Despite the shivers racking her body, Aurora still shook her head. “Let’s go,” she insisted between chattering teeth.
“But Aurora—-” Her senses prickled as she stared at her sister.Something was wrong with Aurora,Soleil thought. But what?
Aurora’s brown eyes blazed. “Are you going to leave me here to freeze to death?”
And finally, Soleil realized what was bothering her—-
Aurora’s still dripping gown...was made of blue silk.
She swallowed. “Aurora?”
“What?” Aurora stomped her foot in annoyance. “Are you coming or what?”
Staring at her sister, Soleil heard herself ask, “Why is your gown wet?”
Aurora laughed, answering lightly, “Would you believe me if I told you it was because I fell into the ocean?”
“I see.” Soleil forced herself to laugh even as words of the soul seer’s vision flashed in her mind.
The shade of her death.
Like the sound of the ocean with its crashing waves, like silk tainted with evil and tarnished dreams—-
Soleil said quietly, “You’re not Aurora.”
Even if this woman looked and sounded like Aurora, this person wasnother sister.
In front of Soleil, the person masquerading as Aurora became deadly still.
“You found me out sooner than I thought you would.”
Before Soleil could answer, icy fingers gripped her wrist.
“I taught you very well, indeed.”
Soleil jerked. That voice—-
The woman looked down.
When she looked up again, she no longer looked like Aurora.
This time, the woman looked like Crystal but not as Soleil had ever seen her.
Her hair had turned completely white, and her skin was oddly pale. Her lips were a ghastly shade of blue, her eyes red-rimmed. She how Soleil imagined a wraith would be.
A knife appeared in the air, and Soleil caught sight of her face on its shiny surface—-
Blue, like her dying, haunted eyes—-
The knife went down.
Soleil screamed, but instead of the knife finding its way to her heart it went completely past her.
It was as if Crystal was trying to cut something behind her.