His gaze narrowing, he asked warily, “Is this your way of buttering me up before you ask me for something?”

She grinned. “That has never been my style, Papa, and you know it. Besides, we all know you’re all bark. You never deny us anything.” Stopping mid-dance, she tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek. “I love you, Papa.”

When she drew back, the marquis had appeared beside them, surprising both father and daughter.

You deliberately shocked me,she accused him.

His gaze laughed at hers before he turned to the baron, asking formally, “May I have the next dance with your daughter, milord?”

“Is this an omen?” the baron grumbled. “I’m beginning to dislike the idea of having to relinquish my daughter to you.” But his smile belied his words and he was already stepping back as he spoke.

For a long time, neither of them spoke, not out loud, not in their minds. They were simply content to dance, teasing each other with stolen gazes and secret smiles, seducing each other as they whirled and dipped about—-

His fingers on her waist, her breasts against his chest-—

“This is the most scandalous dance,” she couldn’t help telling him breathlessly. It was true, but even so, she wanted more.

He smiled rakishly down at her. “Just the first of many.”

Her heart squeezed at the words, and she pressed her breasts harder against his chest.

His eyes widened.

Her smile naughty, Soleil said, “So you would not always think you can guess my every move.”

The marquis grunted. “When did I ever think that? From the moment I knew of you, you never did anything you should.”

“But you know almost my every thought,” she grumbled back, “and it’s hateful.”

His rock-hard shoulders lifting in a careless shrug, he teased, “Do not blame me for your inability to hide your thoughts.”

Her dimples flashed. “Such arrogance.” And he was, too arrogant. Because she wasn’t as bad as he thought.

They danced a second time, and it was wonderful. They danced a third time, and by then it was official, their engagement good as announced. Such was the way things were in their world.

When the music ended, Ilie cupped her face and lowering his head, he kissed her in front of everyone. Her toes curled, and even though she was very much aware of how scandalous they were being, she couldn’t help kissing him back.

When he raised his head, both of them heard the audible sigh that went through the crowd.

They grinned at each other.

“Was that romantic enough for you, milady?” he teased.

She scowled. “Fleur told you about that, didn’t she?”

Instead of answering, he told her, “You enchant me.”

Ah.He really did have the most amazing way with words. Swallowing, she managed to ask in a lighthearted voice, “Enchanting enough to fall in love with me?”

His lips twitched. “You won’t get those words that easily from me, milady.”


Her heart started to break.

But she told herself it was not his fault – or hers.

It was just the way things were meant to be.