“Milord—-oh.” He had not wasted time, his mouth latching on one nipple, and her eyes closed. He began kneading her already aching breasts, and she couldn’t stop herself from clutching his head and pressing her nipple deeper into his mouth.

Oh, how addictive this sensation was!

Heat churned inside of her when he did the same thing to her other breast, its flames licking higher and higher, touching every part of her body. But when he started to move his mouth down, she shook her head. “W-wait!”

He lifted his head.

“I w-want it to be different.” She could feel her cheeks turning pink as she spoke. “You keep doing it...” She swallowed. “I want it to be my...turn.”

Ah.He straightened to his full height. “Do you mean—-” His lips curved in a knowing smile. “You wish to have my cock in your mouth?”

Her eyes flew to him in a mixture of embarrassment and vexation, and she exclaimed, “Must you always be so explicit?”

“Only because I love to see the blush stealing your cheeks,” he answered right away. “It makes me think of a rose that only unfurls its petals in greeting in my presence.”

The redness in her cheeks deepened. “You and your words,” Soleil muttered. “You say that to every lady you seduce, don’t you?”

“Actually, no.” Ilie was being honest. “I cannot recall having to woo any woman. They always want to be fucked.”


“Fear not, milady,” he teased. “You are special—-”

“Only because I’m your heartkeeper,” she said crossly. She tried covering her breasts, thinking it was ridiculous to argue with a half-demon, half-wolf marquis while she stood half-naked in front of him like some sacrificial virgin.

But the marquis wouldn’t let her. Drawing her arms back to her side, he murmured in feigned puzzlement, “You want my cock in your mouth and yet you cannot even stand for me to stare at your breasts—-”

“Curse you!”

His laughter was rich and sensual, but his touch was gentle as he traced her lips. “You are certain about this?”

“Stop asking me,” she mumbled. “You’re just making me more nervous.”

“On your knees then, ma lisse.”


The command alone was more than enough for her entire body to tremble in sensual excitement, more so when the wind around them seemed to keep her nipples in a perpetual state of arousal.

Sinking to her knees, she watched the marquis unzip his breeches and release his cock. It was already fully erect, and she was momentarily daunted. Logically speaking, she knew it would fit her mouth, but – how long would she be able to...before...choking?

“Normally, one has to coax a cock into arousal but as you can see...” The marquis’ tone above her turned dry. “There is no need as my manhood is always at full attention in your presence.”

His hand rested on the top of her head, and she gulped nervously.

“Reach for my cock, ma lisse, and slowly draw it inside your mouth while...yes,” Ilie hissed as his heartkeeper did exactly what he asked. It was pure bliss, heaven on earth, the most fucking beautiful moment in his life to have his cock in Soleil’s mouth.

“Suck slowly then try to get a few more inches in...”

His body stiffened as she did everything right. Inch after inch, his cock eventually disappeared into her mouth, and he bit back a groan as she continued to suck him.

A natural born expert, he thought vaguely. What the hell had he done in his misbegotten life that he deserved a woman like Soleil?

When the pleasure became too much, he said tightly, “Faster.” As her mouth bobbed up and down more quickly, he said, “Stroke my balls...ah.” His body jerked, but her lips only tightened around his cock.

Soleil fell back on the floor when the marquis suddenly pulled his cock out of her mouth and she couldn’t stop staring, fascinated, when he finished the job, jerking himself off and then coming in a hanky that appeared from nowhere.

When it was done, he cleaned himself up and helped her right her dress. She turned towards him, and he surprised her with the sweetest of kisses, his lips landing in the corner of her mouth.