
In her mind, she heard his voice for the first time.

Why have you only called for me now?

Chapter Two

“Le Marquis di Lunare,” the butler announced regally, and as the baron’s visitor strode forward, the butler bowed and did his best not to run away.There was something different about the marquis,the butler thought with a shiver of fear. Terrifyingly different, with the way marquis had made the vast parlor feel small and suffocating with his commanding height and dark presence.

His employer was all smiles, however, the grey-haired baron offering his hand as he said, “A pleasure to welcome you in my humble abode, milord.”

“The pleasure is mine,” the marquis replied with suave charm, “especially since you’ve been kind enough to meet me even at such short notice.”

“It’s nothing,” Charles dismissed it even though he was quite impressed at the other man’s show of respect, which was unnecessary, considering Charles was inferior in ranking. He gestured to the chaise, saying, “Have a seat, milord.” He pulled a bell, and a maid appeared to serve them tea and scones.

From there, both men effortlessly fell into a pleasant stream of civility, the two of them tacitly agreeing to use the time to size each other up.

Charles raised his cup for another sip, thinking that everything he had heard about Ilie Marcovici being an incurable rake was likely to be true.

Like most Corinthians, Ilie was dressed elegantly, and his choice of colors was bold but refined, with his burgundy coat a good match for his tan-colored breeches. He wore his hair simply, too, unpowdered and tied back with a plain black ribbon. No doubt the marquis was aware that his icy-blond locks were more than eye-catching enough to have all ladies swooning over him.

There was a lull in their conversation, and the marquis murmured, “I would have left my card and waited for your response if the matter wasn’t urgent.”

“Urgent, you say.” Charles’ tone gave nothing away.

“Yes, milord. Extremely urgent, actually.” The marquis’ lips curved in a smile, revealing the briefest glimpse of fangs. “’Tis why I’ve given you as much time as possible to make your decision.”

And now it was time to play,Charles thought, only he wasn’t going up against any ordinary nobleman.

This was Ilie Marcovici, and one should never forget that the marquis came from one of the kingdom’s noblest shapeshifting lines as well as being the bastard of the Duke of Lunare.

It meant Ilie was part-wolf, part-demon, which in turn made the marquis one of the most ruthless creatures of the world.

“Baron?” The marquis set his cup down, his movement so elegant it was hard to imagine that his blood DNA would make him a monster in human standards.

Not at all intimidated, Charles said pleasantly, “It depends.”

The marquis frowned.

“On what your intentions are towards my daughter,” Charles finished.

Interesting, Ilie thought.

Most otherworlders upon meeting him the first time were either obsequious or terrified out of their wits. But the Baron, a mere human, and an old one at that, was speaking to him like they were equals.

It was a surprise Ilie welcomed. It would not be fun, after all, to have a toad as a prospective father-in-law.

Leaning forward, he said gently, “May I now dispense with the formalities?” At the older man’s nod, he continued, “You are aware she’s my heartkeeper, Baron?”

“For quite some time now,” Charles answered truthfully.

This was yet another surprise, but not as pleasant, and Ilie demanded, “Why didn’t she tell me?”

“Why did you have to be told?”

“Touché.” Ilie leaned back against his seat, his expression grim. As the demon in need of a soul, hewasthe one who should have sensed it first, the way—-

Ilie didn’t allow himself to finish the thought. Instead, he forced himself to concentrate on more important matters, like claiming his heartkeeper.