Erou nodded.

"And the wolves..."

"Commanded by the Marquis of Lunare," the earl explained, "and they were the first ones to pick your scent."

Because her spell had been meant to ward off men,she realized,and not four-legged beasts.

She swallowed hard as she heard the now-familiar sound of rushing water approaching them. "I am not ready to speak to him, Lord Erou."

He nearly flinched at the rare and unmistakable sound of pain in her voice. "Just hear him out, milady," he said quietly. "And if you still wish to leave, you have my word—-" He stopped speaking as water cascaded to the ground from a short distance, its waves consolidating to form an icy bridge.

The Marquis of Aquarius stepped off first, and following behind him was Mihail himself.

Green eyes took hers captive, and Rhapsody's heart skipped a beat. The rushing sound of water faded as the marquis strode towards her, and it was only when he reached her and rubbed a thumb over her cheek...

She was crying again, Rhapsody realized.

Mihail's chest clenched. He remembered how Sir Isaac had once told him that he had never seen Rhapsody cry over her mother's death, and even Zari claimed the same thing when Rhapsody had first been accused of murder. Only now did she cry...because of him.

"I am sorry," he said rawly.

"I am not sure if I can forgive you." She could still remember what Mr. Booth wrote, and the memory hurt very badly.

"That time when you tried telling me about the gift—-and I loved it, by the way."

Her lips pursed. "I will not rise to the bait."But...did he really?

"I loved it because you gave it to me, and I loved it even more because I know no one else but you can give me such a gift."

She struggled to remain silent. The marquis was very good at trying to bait her. She would give him at least that.But...what did he mean she was the only one who could give such a gift?

"I know I was also unforgivably cruel and callous that time."

Rhapsody nodded.

"I wasn't able to control my words. It was as if my demon half had taken over me."

She could see in her Master's eyes that this was true, and since she had never known him to lie...

"Are you alright now?" she whispered.

"Only if you say you will never leave me."

Rhapsody couldn't answer, but when the marquis tried reaching for her, she found herself instinctively stumbling back. It was the very first time for Rhapsody to reject his touch, and it was like a knife to her own heart...and his, with the stricken look on her Master's face.

But a moment later, his fingers suddenly curled around her nape, and when he bent his head down—-

She realized with a start what he intended to do.

No! Not now! Not!

Panic struck her, and she tried to break away. But it was already too late, his fangs piercing the fragile flesh of her neck.

It was done,she realized with a shudder.

She could even hear and feel it, her blood flowing out and into his mouth as a bond between them came into life.

Look into my soul, milady.