"He is the only other person, aside from the Galeré and Maricha, who can call out to me in such a way." Green eyes so like Alexandru's narrowed at her. "Have you sensed anything?"

Zari shook her head.

"You are certain?" he demanded.

"Yes," Zari whispered painfully.

Mihail's hopes died with that one word. It did not make sense for Alexandru to reach out to him while ignoring his own pet...and heartkeeper.

"It can still be him," Zari said unevenly. She was more than aware what was troubling the marquis, but she didn't give a damn. Taking a step towards Mihail, she touched his arm, intending to tell him that she believed with all her heart her Master still lived—-

A gasp broke out of her.

Mihail's body turned rigid with tension when he saw Zari shudder and start to sway. He knew right away that a vision of either the past or the future had come to her, and when she gasped anew and turned to him—-

It was now the eyes of a soul seer staring back at the marquis, and her gaze was full of sorrow.

Mihail whitened.

Even if she had yet to speak, he already knew.

Goddamn knew her vision had been of his pet—-

"Does someone mean her harm?" he grated out. "Tell me—-"

"It's not what you think," Zari said sadly. "Danger surrounds her, it is true, but the gravest threat to her, milord...is you. All I saw was that you meant well...but you'll still end up hurting her."

Chapter Seven

Rhapsody woke up early the next day and saw the other half of the bed still empty. The marquis had left rather suddenly last night, telling her he had an urgent matter to take care of. Whatever it was, she hoped the matter safely resolved, and Rhapsody said as much as she penned a short letter for her Master before leaving for her rooms.

Classes would soon start, and she had yet to bathe and break fast. An underground passage allowed Rhapsody to leave the south tower without being seen, and in moments she emerged in the main hall of the students' dormitory.

Secret muscles ached as she hurried up the stairs; she wondered how long such pain would last and whether her body would always ache every time her Master took her. It was a rather nice ache though, so there really wasn't anything to complain about.

Rhapsody's thoughts continued to dance around her Master even as she showered, and she was quite embarrassed when she realized how her fingers had unconsciously drifted to the triangle between her legs, its movements mimicking the way the marquis could so skillfully stroke her into having an orgasm.

Heartkeeping was to be blamed,Rhapsody told herself. If not for being the marquis' heartkeeper, she would not be so wanton...yes?

On her way to class, she heard other girls talking rather excitedly about the marquis, all of them wondering what chances they had to nab the most eligible vampire in the kingdom.None,of course,Rhapsody thought. The marquis was only attracted to girls who wereNot Normal,and unfortunately for the other girls, they were the very definition of normal.

Monday lessons began with Blood Chemistry in the apothecary, and Rhapsody's friend Peyton was already at their table when she entered the class.

"You look quite radiant," Peyton remarked suspiciously.

"Thank you."

Peyton laughed. "You aresoadorable."

"Thank you," Rhapsody said again.

Their professor for Blood Chemistry was not overly fond of lectures and instead preferred her students to acquire knowledge by means of experiments and case studies. Over forty minutes had passed and Rhapsody and Peyton already halfway through with the day's series of tests when a diminutive redhead plopped down on the only other vacant chair in their table.

"You're late again," Peyton told the other girl darkly. "Also, you're wearing makeup. You'll get in trouble for that."

"I'm not wearing makeup," Emily snapped.

"Then what's that on your lip?" Peyton asked sarcastically. "Blood?"