"M-Master." The feminine stammer had pre-cum wetting the thick head of his cock. "I feel...shy."
And indeed, it appeared that way, with Mihail watching with lustful fascination as his pet blushed from head to toe, her creamy flesh turning into a pale, pretty shade of pink.
Mother of Hell.
She really was the hottest little thing, and for her to be entirely and only his...
A whimper broke out of Rhapsody's throat when the marquis' mouth latched to her nipple without warning.
Sweet angels of Ciel.
Once, years ago, she had accidentally seen Zari and Lord Alexandru being intimate with each other, the vampire sucking on her friend's breast, and it had Rhapsody running away, embarrassed beyond relief.
At that time, she had not felt any physical desire, and had only found the sight disturbing and distressing. The thought of Lord Mihail doing the same thing to her had been upsetting, with Bethany's words ringing in her mind over and over.
She was Not Normal, and therefore no man would ever want her.
And yet—-
Another whimper escaped her lips when the marquis started suckling on her breast, and feelings she had never thought her capable of experiencing exploded inside of her. Her fingers began moving on its own, driving through her Master's dark locks...and then she found herself clutching his head to her breast.
It was then she realized.
She did not want this to end.
A part of her couldn't believe she was crying out to the marquis, begging without words for him to keep his mouth on her breast. But another part of her knew it was inevitable. This pleasure was impossible to give up, and she found herself drowning in its addictive waves as the marquis started alternating between sucking and biting, nipping and teasing. One moment his tongue would circle around the tight bud, another moment his fangs would scrape against the sensitive tips.
It should have terrified her, knowing how sharp those fangs were, but she also knew that the marquis would never hurt her, and so all it became was a dangerous thrill that had her arching under his mouth.
And so the marquis' mouth moved to her other breast, and the pleasure started anew, gentle nibbles and leisurely licks at first, and then passionate bites and deep, heavy sucking. And throughout, she dimly felt his other hand moving again, tugging her gown further down her body until it reached her ankles, and she didn't even hesitate.
She kicked them off, and now she was down to the flimsy piece of silk covering her mound—-
That was now gone, too, she thought dazedly, with the marquis simply tearing her panties off and tossing the torn fabric to the floor. She was naked now, completely naked, and when heabruptly broke away from her, she lifted her clouded gaze to his and saw her Master getting rid of his clothes with rough haste.
Coat. Dressing shirt. Breeches. Briefs.
And now, he, too, was naked, and Rhapsody couldn't help but stare.
Big. Strong. Hard.
The words popped in her mind one by one. She wished she could be more eloquent, but it was impossible. The sight of her Master's muscular body had turned her brain into mush, and when she saw how massive and thick the marquis' cock was—-
Mihail started stroking himself and was amused at the way his pet's jaw dropped open when she saw it further swelling in size.
"Logic tells me it shall fit," Rhapsody heard herself say faintly, "but I still find it rather daunting—-" Her voice trailed off when she saw how her words actually had her Master's big, thick cock swelling even more.Oh heavens...how much bigger could it get, truly?
When her Master started towards her, she could only gulp and stare, her heart thudding so loudly she felt she was about to go deaf.
The bed dipped under his weight as the marquis loomed over her.
It will fit,she told herself.It will fit, it should fit, it's going to—-