"Speak, milady, or I shall think you do not trust me to solve your concerns."

Her Master had a point, Rhapsody thought.Very well then.

Seeing her about to rise, the marquis stood up to help her, and when she placed her hand in his, he was stunned and wary when, upon getting to her feet, his pet did not seem inclined to let go of her hand.

"I was wondering..."

The marquis waited patiently.

"May I ask for your permission to test out a theory?"

Theory?What fucking theory? But since she was obviously waiting for an answer, he said, "You have my permis—-" He wasn't able to finish speaking, with his pet having tiptoed to cut his words with a kiss.

Mother of Hell.

Rhapsody felt the way the marquis stiffened, his lips cold and unmoving under her mouth, and a surprisingly acute pang of disappointment struck her.It was as she feared and expected, she realized sadly. It was indeed impossible for the Marquis of Sangre to want someone like her, and she immediately rocked back to her feet in resigned acceptance of her fate.

But just as she was about to pull away, the marquis' arms suddenly went around her and tightened.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mihail asked thickly.

"You are not attracted to me—-" She stopped speaking. For the very first time, the marquis was looking at her as if she were insane, and also for the first time, Rhapsody actually felt glad -nay, thrilled, absolutely, delightfully thrilled -that she was being gazed at in such a manner.

"I am wrong then?" she whispered.

The marquis looked at her, just looked at her, and it was then she realized whatthatlook meant all along.

Mihail Gheorgiu had been hungry this whole time.

Ravenous, in fact.

And what he indeed wanted to eat...washer.

Chapter Four

Desire blossomed in his pet's big, dark eyes as the truth of his need for her finally sank in.

You want me? Truly?

She might as well have breathed the words straight into his ears, with the way her wide-eyed but unconsciously sultry gaze gobbled him up. It was all Mihail could do not to ravage her, but when he saw color stealing over her cheeks just as her pink tongue darted out...

A growl tore past his lips.


No fucking way he could unsee that, and the sight destroyed the last remnants of his control. He yanked his pet close, his need for her making him almost painfully rough in his forcefulness. But instead of becoming nervous and frightened, all Rhapsody did was stare up at him, her eyes telling him she only desired to please him, her Master.

Mother of Hell.

His head lowered, and he heard her intake of breath just as her eyes drifted close.

The marquis' mouth covered hers, and it was as if Rhapsody had waiting for his kiss her whole life.Her first kiss, she thought dazedly, and its beauty was quite impossible to describe.

Her Master's lips moved ever so gently over hers, sweet and sensual, teasing and seducing, and she found her clutching at his overcoat.

So beautiful,she thought achingly yet again of his kiss.

Just so much more beautiful than anything she had ever experienced in her life that she couldn't help pressing closer. Her body molded against the marquis' strong, hard body, an instinctive plea for the kiss to never end, and she heard her Master groan.