Mihail’s tone didn’t change. “Listen to me, brother. Truly listen. My voice. My heartbeat. I do not know.”
Alexandru staggered back.
“It was her choice to leave.”
A VISION, JUST A VISION, and visions can’t hurt.
She whispered the words over and over to herself, but still her fears escalated, still Miranda kept walking towards her, and thecloser she got to Zari, the less she resembled a human. When she was in front of Zari, she was no longer Miranda but a demon.
He lunged at her, and Zari screamed.
The demon threw her into the water.
She flailed and gasped, but it was as if someone was forcing her down. Water rushed into her, and she began to choke.
She squeezed her eyes shut.A vision, just a vision, and visions can’t hurt—-
The voice.
That voice.
It was her Master’s voice.
ALEXANDRU WAS BACKin the mainland, scouring nearby towns in the off chance that he could sense the demon’s presence, when he heard his pet scream.
The sound was filled with so much terror he immediately checked on her using their blood bond.
Her pulse was faint, but her heartbeat was racing, and he knew she was having a vision. The kind where the person she was seeing had also sensed Zari’s presence...and turned the tables on her.
Zari.He used their bond to call her name. Cold sweat enveloped his body as he waited for his pet to respond. He dared not do anything, concentrating all his efforts on reaching out to her.
Something in their bond stirred.
Come out of your vision.
I’m drowning.
No. You’re not.The panic in her voice made him want to kill someone.Just follow my voice—-
B-but I c-can’t b-breathe—-
ZARI.His voice turned into a command.Do you trust me?
Her heartbeat raced faster at his question, and he knew, whatever Zari was fighting, it was trying to literally scare her to death.
If you trust me, follow my voice and I will take you out of your vision.
KATARINA BREATHED Asigh of relief when she saw Zari Baltimore’s eyes blink open. Vampires didn’t really have heart attacks, but if they did, then it would probably be similar to what she had felt at seeing Alexandru’s pet scream herself into a faint.