He didn’t want her crying, dammit – not those kinds of tears, anyway.
“Sleep here for the night. I will have enforcers posted at the door so you will not need to be worried. You are not to leave this room until I am sure the danger’s been averted.” Alexandru moved to the door, pausing when his hand reached the knob. “Once we have this case related to your vision resolved, I promise we’ll talk about you becoming...someone else’s pet.”
Alexandru left without looking back.
The door closed behind him.
One, two, three, four,she counted to herself.“Fifty,”she whispered to herself. Alexandru would no longer be able to hear her now. And that was when she started to cry, covering her mouth because even so, she didn’t want to accidentally make a sound.
Chapter Eight
Alexandru was carefully tending to the Venus flytraps his pet had him nurturing in the greenhouse when he suddenly felt the hairs of his nape standing up and evil eyes glaring at his back.
“Rule #23.5 Verbal abuse from Masters should be considered a serious offense and violators should be sanctioned accordingly.”
He turned around, saying in exasperation, “I haven’t even said anything yet.”
She continued glaring at him.
He threw his hands up. “What do you want me to say, pet? I’ve already apologized for that incident, have I not? I have expressed my support for this proposal of yours—-”
“The sanction for this offense is for a Master to serenade his pet in public.”
His brow shot up.
She said seriously, “And it has to be a Sam Smith song. No one sings love songs like Sam Smith, Master.”
He looked at her like she was crazy. “Who the fuck is Sam Smith?”
WHEN EROU RECEIVEDthe summons from Alexandru, he knew what it meant. A meeting at midnight in a location outsidethe school? It was a duel, definitely, and one he was determined to win.
But when he reached his destination, he was stunned to find the hunter accompanied by his men, and all of them were dressed for battle.
He said in disgust, “I had expected more from you, Lord Alexandru.”
Alexandru only smiled. “Is that so?”
Someone stepped out from behind the older vampire, and Erou was even more surprised to discover it was Zari. She was not wearing her school uniform. Instead, she had on a cotton shirt and jeans, and her feet were clad in heavy-duty sneakers. He shook his head in confusion. “What are you doing here?”
She appeared just as shocked. “What areyoudoing here?”
What the hell was this? Had the human girl just been leading him all along? Erou said coldly, “I’m not sure what game you’re playing—-”
“I’m not playing any games,” Zari protested, her eyes darting nervously between Lord Erou and her Master...for now.
A smile that didn’t reach his eyes still playing on his lips, Alexandru was the one to answer the younger vampire, drawling, “Relax, Lord Erou. This is no setup. As you appear to play a special role in my pet’s life, I thought it would be prudent you were made aware of the truth about her.”
Erou asked warily, “And what’s that?”
“She is no ordinary human pet. Zari is a soul seer, one of the last of her kind in fact.”
The younger vampire shook his head in disbelief. “A soul seer?” Like many, he had believed that reports about soul seers still existing were just rumors.
“You must swear to keep this a secret, of course. Too many are willing to be in possession of a soul seer’s skills.”
“I will never do or say anything that will harm Lady Zari,” he countered stiffly. “But I must confess, Lord Alexandru, I don’t understand why you’re telling me this.”
Instead of answering the other vampire, Alexandru glanced down at his pet, who still stood quietly by his side. “Do you know what Lord Erou was thinking when he came here?”