For a deeper understanding, please refer to the written apology of Master Alexandru and his pet Zari Baltimore, Exhibit 1.5.1, p. 16

Alexandru spewed his coffee when he read the footer.

Next to him in bed, his pet giggled. Zari knew exactly what made her Master do that.

“What the fuck? You’re going to include it in your proposal?”

“If it’s any consolation,” she said ever so helpfully, “the Duke of Brimstone has already read it and he wholeheartedly approves—-” She gasped. “Master! Did you just call His Grace an old asshole?”

ALEXANDRU’S FANGS GNASHEDagainst his teeth as he did his best to maintain his smile even though he wanted to smash the other vampire’s face to pieces.

“Your pet fainted.” Erou’s lip curled.

His jealousy dissipated at the words, and his eyes went to Zari. “Are you all right?” He strode forward, noting the pallor of her skin. He extended his arms. “I’ll take her to the infirmary.”

Erou stiffened. “I can handle it—-”

“I’m sure you can,” he said casually, “but you may not. She ismypet.”

Erou glanced down at Zari. “It’s your call, milady.”

Without looking at her Master, she mumbled, “It’s okay.”

“Are you sure?” Everything in Erou told him not to let her go, but if she really meant those words—-

She nodded.

Reluctantly, he passed his precious cargo to the older vampire. A part of him hoped that Zari would call his name and ask him to take her back. But she didn’t.

Alexandru easily handled his pet’s weight in his arms. “Thank you, milord. I will endeavor not to trouble you again.”

“She’s never trouble,” Erou said coldly.

“Nevertheless, I shall ascertain something similar will never happen again.”

Erou watched the hunter turn around and walk away, noting how Zari still held herself stiffly, even though now she was with her real Master.

Alexandru waited for his pet to speak but she didn’t, and for some reason her silence made him uneasy and, if he were to admit it, guilty as well. When they reached the building where the infirmary was and she still hadn’t spoken a word, he asked finally,Are you still feeling ill?

She shook her head.

Ah. She really didn’t want to speak to him then.

Are you mad at me for leaving without a word?It felt a little petty, but he acknowledged that it had been rude of him to do it in the first place.

She shook her head again.

It was an emergency involving my work. But I know that is no excuse. I promise I won’t do it again.

She shrugged.

He frowned.Are you really going to sulk the whole time?

No. She was not. Because shehadn’tbeen sulking from the start. The problem was that she was tongue-tied. She hadn’t expected herself to be, but she was. It had started the moment she saw him.

They reached the infirmary without his pet speaking a single word or even looking at him. The school nurse was there, but one look at Alexandru’s face and she obviously thought better of greeting him in a cheerful tone like she usually did. Instead, she was brisk and efficient, getting Alexandru to lay Zari on the nearest bed.

The nurse asked her several questions and concluded her diagnosis with an advice of getting more sleep and food in her system. “It sounds very simple, but it’s not. You’re close to being anemic and that’s no good for a pet. It’s your obligation to be in good health for your Master, in the event that he needs to drink from you.”