She cupped her breasts.
His smile turned sly.
He kissed her hard. “Good pet.” And he kissed the rest of her, starting with her breasts.
“MASTER ALEXANDRU ISgone?” Zari echoed dumbly the next day after her classes. She felt like wilting on the spot. She knew that a Master did not owe his pet any explanations, but he had always told her before when he was about to leave her.
“I’m sure it was for very important reasons he has left you so suddenly,” Sir Richard said helpfully.
Important reasons like...he was in a quest to search for another pet? Perhaps he had lied about not being disgusted with her?
After thanking the headmaster, Zari went back to her room and debated about what she should do next. Impulsively, she tried reaching out to him, wondering if he would hear her or not.Master?
But he didn’t answer. Had she really expected him to?
Three more days passed, and she still hadn’t heard from her Master. After class, she hurried to the library on a whim, the thought of the unsigned contract still weighing on her mind. Zari knew she could have asked any of the professors, but she didn’t want to. This was something not to be shared, especially if her suspicions were true.
In the library, she searched for the shelves that bore books on the legal agreements between Masters and pets. Grabbing the first book she could find that focused on contracts, Zari went to one of the tables at the back of the library to ensure her privacy.
It was when she was halfway through the book that the information she was seeking finally came up.
It is for the protection of both Master and Pet that a binding contract must be drawn. Thus, the Master’s claim and ownership may be made legal and the appropriate aid may be provided to human pets in the event that his or her Master was to suffer from premature death.
Claims that are not legalized will unfortunately not be recognized by the authorities, and thus Unclaimed pets are free to propose to Masters who have unofficially bonded——
“Is that for your homework?”
Zari jumped in her seat in surprise. It was Lord Erou, and he had taken a seat across her without Zari even knowing it. He was as handsome as ever, but this time instead of civilian clothes, the vampire was back in his uniform, which bore the colors of Sangre. Some men would never look good in a uniform. Some men did. Lord Erou was clearly the latter, with the way theuniform emphasized the breadth of his shoulders and his lean muscular form.
“Good afternoon, Lord Erou,” she stammered.
“Good afternoon, Lady Zari,” he returned pleasantly.
“Err, do you always come here?” The question was to distract him as she slowly snapped the book shut, hoping the vampire wouldn’t notice.
“I always visit libraries when I have the time, yes. In fact, I came from another one this morning.”
“It’s the one in the next town. It has very good books about vampire lore.”
“I see.”
“Do you really not want to tell me what you were reading about?”
Zari cringed. “Was I that obvious?”
Lord Erou frowned when he noticed the dark circles under the girl’s eyes. He had heard about Alexandru leaving the compound and wondered if that was the reason for Zari Baltimore’s drawn expression. He said apologetically, “I know you’re lying.” He nodded to the book. “I caught a glimpse of the text.”
Ah, damn. She had forgotten about vampires’ really good eyesight.
“Students don’t tackle the subject of contracts until the last year.”
“Well, that’s just plain wrong,” she muttered under her breath. When he lifted one brow in surprise, she flushed, stammering, “I’m sorry if that came out as disrespectful, Lord Erou.”
He shook his head. “That’s not it at all. I simply wondered why you have such a desire to study the subject. If you have anything you’d like to ask, I would be more than happy to—-”