She would appreciate that, wouldn’t she?
She probably would, but the problem was, that was not Ilie’s style at all.
He had always liked going against the rules, and the idea that he would have to actually bow down to custom chafed.
Might there be a compromise? Might it be possible that he be allowed to court her in private and—-
His nostrils suddenly flared, his wolf instincts catching the scent of another predator – someone infinitely punier to Ilie – attempting to poach on his territory. His gaze swung sharply back to her, and that was when he saw a rakish-looking nobleman chatting her up.
Soleil snapped her book shut, cheeks flushing as she looked up. It was Sir Reginald, considered one of this Season’s better catches. What he lacked in terms of titles, he made up with his considerable fortune.
“Good afternoon, sir,” she murmured as he bowed.
He smiled at her, saying, “My day’s complete now that my eyes have rested upon you, milady.”
“Here we go again, milord, with your too-pretty words,” she said lightly.
His gaze slid curiously to her book. “What’s this you’re reading?”
Before she could answer, the knight was already reaching to pick it up—-
She would be ruined if anyone found out what she was reading!
Soleil hurriedly reached for the book, and their fingers touched.
A gasp escaped her. She had held men’s hands countless times, but they were men she was targeting to kill.Thiswas totally different.
But before either of them could yank their hands away, another hand appeared and the book disappeared from their grasps.
She gasped again, twisting to see who it was, and a third gasp escaped her when the marquis, standing behind her chair, gave her a lazy smile.
The last time Soleil had seen him, it was while battling for her life, and before that, it had always been from afar, with Soleil never risking to come any closer in fear of the marquis recognizing the connection between them.
This was the first time she was able to look at him up close, and though she had mentally prepared herself for such a meeting, one glance at the marquis told her that those endless hours of practice were for naught.
Ilie Marcovici would always take one’s breath away.
He was so much taller than she thought or dreamed of, and his body was built even more lethally than she imagined. His hair, the shade of ice and gold at the same time, shone even more brilliantly under the lights, and his face—-
Every inch of it seemed to have been carved by a grandmaster, and she clasped her hands tightly on her lap lest she forgot herself and reached out to touch his cheek.
Her gaze accidentally clashed with his, and the way his silver eyes gleamed so knowingly made Soleil quickly look away. Then she saw her book held securely in his hand, and her lips parted—-
He said kindly, “You’ll run out of oxygen in my company if you keep that up, milady.”
Her mouth snapped shut, and she reddened and glared up at him at the same time.
“That was quite rude, milord,” Reginald decreed hotly, having recovered from his shock. He knew who the other man was, but what he had never expected was to meet the wicked marquis in this type of establishment. It was a well-known fact the marquis only frequented brothels and other unmentionable places.
“Was it?” the marquis returned idly. “I was only expressing my concern for milady.” He smiled down at Soleil again.
Soleil didn’t smile back. That smile didn’t look good. In fact, it looked downright bad – the kind people had nightmares of.